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He PMd me about it already:



I would like to ask you if this won't be a problem to let me know as soon as it will be possible to create accounts on Tommy, so I could quickly create test account on it, upload test files and start my server monitor. In example when you'll assign some number to it in the URL heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php?plan=X (1 is for Stevie, 9 is for Johnny). I know Tommy already works on

I think there will be also requirement to put my IP on a whitelist, so my monitor won't be banned like it happend before on Stevie and Johnny. The IP of my monitor is the same as the one used by me recently (and now) on the forum.

Thank you in advance

// Piotr GRD


Eddie has started to be monitored automatically as soon as you've moved Heliohost main page and Helionet forums (to be strict: monitored is Cody, which is on Eddie).
For Tommy I've started to check the HTTP access few days ago, though it's not displayed on my page, yet. I'll enable it fully as soon* as you'll let me create test account on it.



* this may take 2-3 days, depends on my spare time and inclination

  • 2 weeks later...

OK. Monitoring of server "Tommy" has been added.



In the mean time - a week ago - I've also modified the way FTP access is monitored: now my monitor tries to actually log in and get the list of files. This way the results are more realistic. Previously only connection was tested without checking if it's possible to actually do anything with the files.

  • 1 year later...

Hi Piotr,


Thanks for developing your monitoring system; it's really quite handy!


One feature that I have thought would be really useful is to display a vertical cross-hair underneath the pointer, allowing to correlate events and read the time of occurrence off the axis.

  • 1 year later...

About re-creating hosting accounts with the same usernames as before...


I don't know now, but in the past registration system didn't allow to use specific username (for hosting/cPanel account) if there was already a HelioNet forum account with that name. And because the forum account is created automatically for every new hosting account, then for most of the (deleted?) Tommy's accounts there will be problem with re-creating them with the same username as before.


Solution in the past was to ask the staff to either rename (at least temporarily for the time of registering hosting account) or delete (if not in use) the forum account. Other solution may be to modify registration process, so it won't check the HelioNet if corresponding forum account already exist (unless it's already disabled).




And the other thing, note for the future.


When the maitenance was announced, people asked which servers will be affected. Answer was that Johnny and Ricky won't be. However I think you forget, that during that maintenance both nameservers were offline, so even domains hosted on Johnny and Ricky were affected by that.


Just to remember about this in the future if/when there will be similar situations.

GRD, When is the page going to be updated? See picture below.


And also, Are you going to make room for Sparkie?



About re-creating hosting accounts with the same usernames as before...


I don't know now, but in the past registration system didn't allow to use specific username (for hosting/cPanel account) if there was already a HelioNet forum account with that name. And because the forum account is created automatically for every new hosting account, then for most of the (deleted?) Tommy's accounts there will be problem with re-creating them with the same username as before.


Solution in the past was to ask the staff to either rename (at least temporarily for the time of registering hosting account) or delete (if not in use) the forum account. Other solution may be to modify registration process, so it won't check the HelioNet if corresponding forum account already exist (unless it's already disabled).




And the other thing, note for the future.


When the maitenance was announced, people asked which servers will be affected. Answer was that Johnny and Ricky won't be. However I think you forget, that during that maintenance both nameservers were offline, so even domains hosted on Johnny and Ricky were affected by that.


Just to remember about this in the future if/when there will be similar situations.

GRD, When is the page going to be updated? See picture below.


And also, Are you going to make room for Sparkie?



It says that the monitoring works fine. Just live results are not going to happen anymore, more like every 2 (i could be wrong) minutes.


Also, that page shows VM's, not physical servers.


Physical Servers are servers that end in -ie (Example: Eddie, Sparkie, Charlie)


VM's end in -y (Example: Johnny, Tommy, Ricky)


It's not updated in real time. But that doesn't mean that the page isn't updated. It updates, but after sometime.


If there's another VM on Sparkie, then he's gonna make it.



GRD, When is the page going to be updated? See picture below.


And also, Are you going to make room for Sparkie?


If you already started this offtopic here... (better would be to post in "my" topic about my monitoring, pinned in "customer service").


As jenovaon and sohamb03 wrote already: my page is updated, results of monitoring are uploaded and displayed, but with some delay, not in the real time every two minutes like before. This is because of problems I have since June with the webhost I currently use. Only solution is to move to other webhost (not HelioHost, obviously monitoring of HelioHost should be outside of it), but because of my problems with excessive procrastination it may take "some time" for me. Currently I've managed to set the updates every 30-60 minutes, but with no guarantee, there may be even many hours of delay.


For the same reason - my procrastination - there are no much changes in my monitoring. I think I should check the availability of the server with VPSes (just the mother, not every VPS, of course) and obviously I should get back the monitoring of HelioNet forums and accessibility of the cPanel. There were even plans to add some new tools, slightly changing layout to better fit in various screen resolutions etc., but the same - (very) excessive procrastination stops me. I can only say: sorry.




If required, last 4 posts (snowm's, jenovaon's, sohamb03's and this one of mine) can be moved by moderator to "my" topic about monitoring.


Good, so that's up now.

jenovaon, so that means that Sparkie is a server, NOT a VM? Bummer. Would like to get my host there, but its a server.


Sparkie is a physical server. A VM is a virtual server on a physical one, created with the help of VMware ESXi. This way the resources of the server are split into parts so that you can have multiple instances on one physical server.


For example, Tommy and Cody are virtual servers on Eddie, which is a physical server. For that matter all are servers.


The last time, I was told that Johnny will be moved to Sparkie for better performance and uptime. Probably that time Johnny will be nearing Tommy. No one knows. It's time that will decide it all.


Johnny likely won’t be “moved” in the proper sense of the word, he’ll just be rebuilt again on the new server. It definitely won’t be done while tommy is still being fixed though because we can’t afford to have 2 servers down at once.


Johnny likely won’t be “moved” in the proper sense of the word, he’ll just be rebuilt again on the new server. It definitely won’t be done while tommy is still being fixed though because we can’t afford to have 2 servers down at once.

Wait a minute. Johnny is getting replaced?


Nope... Just that he'll be rebuilt on Sparkie. That's to increase his efficiency and uptime. But that's only after Tommy's been rebuilt.. Nothing before that.

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