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  1. Hello. I had an account on the stevie server where i had databases of blogs. I downloaded the compressed file to recover it and everything was ok except on the databases, because the only one that was worth recovering was only 1.22 kb and had no information in it. Is there any chance of recovering my databases or check if maybe the recovery system missed the databases? The one i'd like to recover is one called "dtc_blog_ideas". My username on stevie was DtcThanks.
  2. Hi, I really love this free host, it's even better than the paid ones. One small question, is there a limit for database usage? Or it is depended on the disk usage?
  3. Hi, A certain softaculous script does not support remote MySQL hosts, and does support only "localhost" as MySQL host. Do you implement a remote host or localhost? Server: Steive Thanks Ashraf
  4. Hi, I wanted to import a database (.sql) with phpMyAdmin but i've got this error : InnoDB is in read only mode. Please help me to fix this issue. Thanks.
  5. Where in the file manager should I put php files that I want to run externally with a url? After putting the file in the correct directory will I be able to run it with the following url? example.heliohost.org/file.php
  6. Username: bowo Server: stevie Hi helio admin, I have a problem with my wordpress database. When I open my wordpress site (bowo.heliohost.org) it shows: Error establishing a database connectionThe database name is bowo_wordpress. Checking database through cPanel shows: Error from MySQL query: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Unknown database 'bowo_wordpress'Failed to use bowo_wordpress: Unknown database 'bowo_wordpress' Same error message when I tried to repaired it. I hope it is still possible to recover it. Thanks.
  7. When trying to set the SQL user permissions for our database through cPanel, it says that it has updated them successfully. However, the permissions are still unchecked when I go back to the update permissions page. username: m1c0l database: m1c0l_Calendar server: stevie
  8. Hello /, my Wordpress website went down due to the recent problems on Stevie, I changed cPanel password and logged out then logged in again and now I can normally access phpMyAdmin, the problem however is when I tried to delete corrupted database and recreate it (also the user) it says that a database with this name already exists. It's not visible in MySQL or phpMyAdmin and I keep getting install page at my website, I have full backups for the database and the files in Softaculous and from a plugin that I was using. I can't restore it though because in Softaculous it tells me " Could not connect to the database Access denied for user 'amirasam_****'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" And can't create a new database with the same name in MySQL because it says " The database “amirasam_blog” already exists. " I could provide the backup and it'd be great if someone could help restoring it. It just went into a huge mess! :'D Thanks in advance. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* UPDATE: I managed to create a new database with another name and imported every table at its own. I can now access the website but no directories are found, pages give 404 and no images are visible, so I guess I still need someone's help at restoring the backup in a proper way. Thanks again. /Username: amirasam Website: amirasamy.com Server: obviously Stevie
  9. Hello! First of all, thank all of you very much for the awesome service! I want to know how big does a database have to be to be considered "too much"? I have a database with a few million entries, and I don't know if I am allowed to try and upload it to HelioHost. If I am allowed, I would be using PostgreSQL, but it would be nice to know if there is any difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL in regards to the resources. I could port the database to MySQL if that would be better. Thanks again!
  10. After the MySQL crash I changed my cPanel password, was able to get back into phpMyAdmin. My Wordpress database was still there in tact, but all of the tables were renamed from to something else for some reason. I renamed them all back, and the "cannot connect to database" error went away, but then my website simply failed to load anything. I realized I was supposed to delete and recreate my database users, which I did, and reassigned them to the database. I used the same password as configured in Wordpress. Still nothing. I checked the cPanel error logs and saw this: [Thu Jun 23 07:09:43 2016] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/robev/public_html/blog/wp-admin/install.php So for some reason the server is rejecting me. I looked online and it recommended checking the .htaccess file if there's any restrictions, and there are none. Is this on your end or mine?
  11. Hey, The admins have recommended that users should switch to using MyISAM instead of InnoDB. In my experience, MyISAM has been the quickest and most efficient than InnoDB. Unfortunately, the only side effect are so few applications that actually support MyISAM. Quite a lot of modern applications only depends on technologies provided only by InnoDB What a conundrum! Regards
  12. Hello, for my programm i need to have the DB IP to login and write. Where do i get it from?
  13. before Johnny crashed my website and database were working so fine. After the upgrade and Johnny was back online I couldn't access my database using my db.connect files. this is the error i get when I try to connect using the; HOST: localhost username: ******* password: ******* database: ******* Warning: mysql_connect(): No such file or directory in /home/********/public_html/db.php on line 6 Opps some thing went wrong what could be the problem; Please help!!!
  14. Hi. My database's gone. Here's the data: user: sahdes server: stevie database: sahdes_wp52 Regards.
  15. Hello, I am getting issues on my Wordpress application [link] where I get an "Error establishing a database connection" message when opening the home page. I'm also getting login issues when I try to acces phpMyAdmin from cPanel wherein I get a blank page after entering my credentials. I'm not sure if this is relevant but the login page also looks weird: Hoping for an immediate solution because I plan to upload a new website within the week. Thanks in advance!
  16. My database has become invisible. db username: rulrok_reuel username: rulrok db name= rulrok_wordpress
  17. My database has become invisible. username: allmovie db name= allmovie_wp
  18. Just checked my site today and its not running because of some database connection issues, tried to fix it in the control panel but it's not working, so I tried creating a new user for both of my existing database and still unable to connect. When I tried to backup my database, I found out that all of my database are empty. My last complete backup of my site is ages ago. Is there anyway to retrieve the content of my database? Thanks. site name : www.buteekee.tk server: stevie
  19. server: stevie username: onsen I got problem with database connection since last week (error establishing database connection). I already recreated the database & database user, assigned the user to the db., restored the tables (via phpmyadmin). Seems everything is already on the track - I can access phpmyadmin - however when i test the website it comes up with the above error,. Looking forward your assistance. thanks
  20. What's happened to my http://demo.heliohost.org/wordpress/ it's always "Error establishing a database connection"? Is the MySQL server still have a problem or it's now fixed and just some of us experiencing this? How can I fix this? Thanks..
  21. Username : odofjr Database Name : odofjr_claudio - odofjr_claudio2 - odofjr_claudio3 - odofjr_sgs - odofjr_sph Server : Stevie Thank you!
  22. Host: lasestabirra@heliohost.org on stivie After renew, j'm not able to find/connect to mysql database. A check via cpanel say unknown database... I'm afraid... :-( :-( :-(
  23. Hi staff, database on my webspace legabbpo.heliohost.org are invisible. DB: forge254_mdb serve: stevie thank for your help
  24. by day problems connecting to the database... I have free account...
  25. What happened: I've always had problems with WordPress where I'd get internal 500 about 80% of the time. I'm assuming it is a database issue, since everything else worked. After the whole "Stevie Mysql" post, I figured I'd try that. Cpanel Backup MySQL database, delete, restore. Two problems came from that. ONE: [a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive] during [Restoring Database] (with both damaged current backup and correctly working backup from 2 years ago.) TWO: The backup database contents were not backed up correctly and were nearly blank when viewing the uncompressed .sql file with a text editor. (which I didn't notice until much later after deleting the current database...) Comparing the two backups I have (yesterday and 2 years ago) Yesterday's has only 36 lines of text (and looks nearly blank from that standpoint because the only info save was for wp_commentmeta table and mysqldump errors) while the oldest has 381. For some odd reason, even after getting such errors from Problem ONE, it did restore that 2 year old backup at some point of my 100 attempts. My question. Is there a way to access an older database backup? From a week ago? Month ago? Just one year...? If not, ah well!
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