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Everything posted by jje

  1. You can only add sub domains to your own domain. For example: ts02.mysite.heliohost.org
  2. http://wiki.helionet.org/w/Moving_your_account
  3. I see your sites fine; please Clear your cache.
  4. I see your site fine? You might have been accessing while Stevie was experiencing a bit of downtime. Here is the HelioHost Server Monitor which is quite handy: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor Also, you can use the Down For Everyone website which is also handy: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/crazymo...s.heliohost.org
  5. Yes, you could just use PHP or HTML to make the redirect. Create a file called index.html/index.php and paste in one of the following codes: <?php header("location:http://www.i7grendel.tk"); ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://www.i7grendel.tk"> </head> <body> </body> </html>
  6. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. I think it was disabled to help with Stevie's Stability. Not sure though...
  7. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  8. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  9. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  10. I see your site fine, please clear your cache. Also, the queued page answers your question:
  11. It will probably show Internal Server Error.
  12. Yes, new Windows users don't know what amazing alternative browsers are available.
  13. I can't find your account in the database? It might have got deleted for inactivity, or you might have misspelled your domain.
  14. This might be because you are behind a firewall that is blocking Port 2082. So, basically, try logging in via: cpanel.laevatienn.co.cc
  15. Yup; there it is. When I was testing it with the administrators account, I went to the Twitter page at the top of every page on HelioNet, since that is hosted on the same account and it showed 505.
  16. Deleted duplicate post. Sorry, I know nothing about Python; somebody else will have to assist.
  17. The problem that is occurring to Internet Explorer users (I used it for several years) is that they have no idea what they are missing out on, and how it seriously downgrades performance, quality, and speed. At the moment I have struggling with my website because Internet Explorer isn't understanding my CSS positioning making the website look all weird, and my website is dominated by IE users. Personally, I think Google Chrome should have the top spot. 1st. Google Chrome 2nd. Mozilla Firefox 3rd. Apple Safari 4th. Opera 5th. Internet Explorer
  18. Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  19. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  20. Johnny is under pressure from dangerous services and has around 1200 accounts stored on him, making him more unstable. Stevie does not run dangerous services and has around 500 accounts, making him more stable. DNS problems may be due to recent outages on NS2 (Cody). This issue has been identified and escalated: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9842
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