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  1. I'm also getting a lot of 500 errors, particularly after I upload something in ftp or cpanel. I heard that can mean i'm reaching the limit of 7 processes, and that an administrator can kill my running processes?
  2. Attached is the tracert I ran when the site was down, both in browser and using ping.
  3. It seems the problem is getting worse. Does anyone know what could be wrong?
  4. yes it is, thank you. Do you have any idea what could be causing this on my end? It's just the one site.
  5. For the last two days, since you've fixed the Stevie problem earlier this week, my website troop3st.heliohost.org (http, ftp, and cpanel) has had intermittent timeout issues, lasting about 10 minutes. then, the website will come back up for a few minutes and go down again. Also, the server monitor is showing no problems while this is happening.
  6. Strangely it started working again. If anyone has any ideas though, i'd still like to know if i'm doing something wrong.
  7. For some reason the mailer function in my website is only partially working. It is designed to send 2 emails, but it only sends the second one. Please give me some advice. function sendRegister($first, $last, $user, $pass, $email){ $from = "From: ".EMAIL_FROM_NAME." <".EMAIL_FROM_ADDR.">"; $subject = "Troop 3 - Account Request"; $body = "An account request has been sumbitted " ."with the following information:\n\n" ."First Name: ".$first."\n" ."Last Name: ".$last."\n" ."Username: ".$user."\n" ."Password: ".$pass."\n" ."Email: ".$email."\n\n" ."http://www.westervilletroop3.org/adduser.php?urlfirst=".$first."&urllast=".$last."&urluser=".$user."&urlpass=".$pass."&urlemail=".$email."&urlaccess=2...7"."\n\n" ."- Troop 3"; $body2 = "We have recieved your request for an account " ."with the following information:\n\n" ."First Name: ".$first."\n" ."Last Name: ".$last."\n" ."Username: ".$user."\n" ."Password: ".$pass."\n" ."Email: ".$email."\n\n" ."We will send you an email if you get accepted, so make sure admin@troop3.0sites.org is in your email contact list so it won't be marked as spam.\n\n" ."- Troop 3"; mail("no...k@gmail.com",$subject,$body,$from); mail($email,$subject,$body2,$from); return true; }
  8. My website, troop3st.heliohost.org works fine, as does www.troop3st.heliohost.org but when I use my domain name westervilletroop3.org without the www I get the account queued page. How can I fix this?
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