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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. I can't free up cnk because that may impact you getting your backup later. I did release cnk2 though so you can try that one again.
  2. The account cnk2 failed to create because the domain is still attached to the crashed Tommy account, so lets get this fixed for you... The domains ombertech.com, antihttps.com, and computernerdkev.heliohost.org have been cleaned up. An invite has been sent to replace the cnk2 account that failed to create. Once you create it successfully, I'll apply the immunity and space to it.
  3. What email address would you like the invite for a Ricky account sent to (we can't transfer an account from a crashed server, you'll just get a new one and need to restore your backup when it becomes available)? An email address that's not the same as your Tommy account is preferred, though if need be I can release the email address, just be aware you may need assistance to download your backup if I do this. Also, do you have any domains beyond bbird.heliohost.org you need to reuse?
  4. For others who might read this, the most common cause of this is using the mobile view to send/reply to PMs. If you do that, you'll get stuck in the mobile view.
  5. We actually can reuse the email, but if we do, you'll need our assistance to get your backup when they become available. A different address is preferred as a result, but it's not required.
  6. Couldn't have said it better myself WP is the program we love to hate around here. Slow, bloated, and also full of security holes. It's the leading cause for High Load suspensions too.
  7. @flazepe: It can be the same if you edit the old account first. We usually just put .old on the end. Just be aware, if you reuse the email address for someone, there's a chance they may not be able to download their backup when it become available without assistance from us. When we load the backup system, we copy the email addresses from the accounts table into it. If the email gets changed to example@gmail.old before that snapshot of the accounts and email addresses is made, the invalid address will be loaded into the system and their backup request email will never arrive...
  8. Moving. Krydos might be able to set this up to Ricky so we don't lose the support email. > set type=mx > heliohost.org Server: WRT1200AC Address: Non-authoritative answer: heliohost.org MX preference = 0, mail exchanger = tommy.heliohost.org tommy.heliohost.org internet address = >
  9. Tommy is the MX for heliohost.org, which means the email support mailbox was hosted on tommy... that’s not going to work while he’s down. The mail should be returned undelivered after a few hours because the sending system can’t deliver it. No idea on the cPanel news.
  10. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    1. Email can be released. 2. Yes. 3. If you're a donor, you can request a Ricky invite. Please create a new topic in customer service with the transaction ID of your most recent donation (it can be the same one you originally used for Tommy, even if it was long ago), and your Tommy username. If you have any domains on Tommy that you want to reuse on your new account, please include a list of them as well so they can be cleaned up. Users with a free Tommy account will need to create a Ricky or Johnny account through the free signups again (when Tommy is fixed, we can move your account back there). This is because letting everyone on Tommy move to Ricky at once would simply make Ricky die from load. Ricky is not large or powerful enough to run every account that was on Tommy, and he has his own users too.
  11. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    ...and that explains a lot right there. LE doesn't play nice on servers that have AutoSSL, and are completely unnecessary anyway. Installing LE certs will prevent AutoSSL from attempting to get one for you. It makes the assumption that you don't want it to do anything if something from elsewhere was manually installed. Just let AutoSSL do its job. It should work within a few hours when Apache restarts 1:13:30 PM This system has AutoSSL set to use “cPanel (powered by Comodo)”. 1:13:30 PM Checking websites for “panther1” … 1:13:30 PM The website “wcats.tk”, owned by “panther1”, has no SSL certificate. AutoSSL will attempt to obtain a new certificate and install it. 1:13:44 PM The system will attempt to renew SSL certificates for the following websites: 1:13:44 PM wcats.tk (wcats.tk www.wcats.tk mail.wcats.tk webmail.wcats.tk cpanel.wcats.tk webdisk.wcats.tk) 1:14:16 PM The system has completed the AutoSSL check for “panther1”.
  12. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    Domain changed. It may take a few hours to come out of queue, and AutoSSL might take up to 24 hours to get you a certificate.
  13. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    That's...odd. AutoSSL refuses to acknowledge the extra domain and won't even attempt to get a cert for it. I'll just make it your primary domain and see if it works.
  14. If b1he is also yours, please post from the b1he account to confirm you own it. After that, I'll just merge magmar452 into the b1he account so you can use the username.
  15. The mail is stored as a bunch of files in your mail folder. You can save the mail files to keep the content, but the actual mailbox will need to go. It won't be able to accept mail for a period of time while you're doing this, and all the mailboxes will need to be recreated afterwards. Since you have active email accounts on the domain, your best bet is to not change the domain and just leave it be. It's generally considered a good idea to keep the heliohost.org subdomain anyway, especially with the domain you have. Those .xx.to domains are from FreeDNS/Afraid if I remember right, one of the two providers our system loves to hate (the other one we hate is Freenom, but that's not for technical reasons, that one's because they purposefully cancel domains with any meaningful amount of traffic so they can extort you).
  16. That domain cannot be made your main domain because it's already attached as an alias or addon domain. You would need to remove it (and all of its subdomains, if any), wait for it to stop working, then change the main domain again in order to do this I generally recommend most people just leave it. By leaving the subdomain and adding the custom domain as an Alias, you'll get the same functionality, but still be able to access your account in the event the custom domain gets cancelled/expires/etc.
  17. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    The domain wcats.tk has been cleaned up and reparked to account panther1 on Ricky.
  18. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    Now we know why!Also, trying to get the wcats.tk domain to my ricky server, but it is saying this message. Ahoy! You're seeing this page because the server responsible for hosting this website is currently out for repair.[/size] Seems to be the tommy server is still pointing the wcats.tk address. Can somebody please point the wcats.tk domain over to the panther1 account? I'll take care of this later this morning when I'm at a pc.
  19. Yes it will. Cpanel does not allow you to install old versions.
  20. Gotcha, That explains why I can't see it. It went through the gofundme As for your account, it failed because you didn't specify a valid domain name for it (you just put rockygl1 in both fields). For the domain step, you need to put a full domain like rockygl1.heliohost.org in there in order for it to work. I resent your invite so you can try again
  21. The backups will be available regardless of whether Tommy boots. I still don't know if we're going to even try, though it would make sense to do so. Either way, Tommy is overdue for rebuild anyways simply due to age. If we get it running, I wouldn't be surprised if we just archive all the accounts into cpmove packages and evacuate the server...cpmove files are identical to the "full backup" you get from cPanel and are nice because we can just restore it on any server (whether it be a rebuilt Tommy, or Ricky/Johnny/etc.) and the entire account restores to exactly how it was when it was packed up with no effort or manual data restore needed.
  22. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    Yeah, hard disk. The server was used when we bought it, and to our knowledge the failed disk is original (it came with the server). That would make the disk 8 years old and well past the end of its useful life. If we had the money, I would suggest we fully re-disk the server since the others are just as old, but considering we lose money month after month, it's not in our interest to replace disks that still work, regardless of their age.
  23. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    It failed sometime late Friday night into Saturday. There's nothing to do but wait at the moment. We've made backups and are in the process of moving the archives to Cody so they can be made available for download. Once available, an announcement will be made regarding how to download them.
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