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Everything posted by Mokothemonkey

  1. Yeah, I had to change the file name from image.JPG to image.jpg Also took out a couple spaces. Everything works now! Check it out if you want: replayband.heliohost.org
  2. Which browsers should I use to test my webpages? Right now I only use IE and Safari to test, should I get Firefox, Google Chrome, or others?
  3. Yeppers! Oh wait, now everything is up, but the images don't work. I also have those in the public_html should they be somewhere else?
  4. So I have successfully registered for heliohost, and log in to my cpanel. I go through the little tutorial, and it simply tells me that all the files I upload to public/html will be available on the internet. The only problem is, I have no idea how to get it to work? I uploaded all the html, css, and image files into public/html, so now what do I do? This is my first encounter with cpanel - please be understanding
  5. Whoops So even if in registration I put username "Replay" I should put "replay"? I will go try... P.S. Thanks for the quick response!
  6. But people would get annoyed because their post would take five hours to be proccessed. People would start to leave, and helionet/heliohost would lose revenue, haveing to shut down for ANOTHER 6 months But I scour the forums for like 8 hours in the holidays, you would need like 2 more mods for GMT time maybe... You would only need to do everybodys first 10 post Yeah, things are pretty quiet around here... there has to be less then 10 posts a day, although the help section is more popular. I've gotten bored because no ones on here - the only new posts are mine lol @wizard: Oh yeah, the problem with stevie caused heliohost to close, causing financial issues It's so confusing!
  7. go to w3schools.com so you can learn to actualy make your website. Also, if you don't know a favicon is the little icon beside the address bar. Make sure it is 32x32 px and is titled favicon.ico NOT favicon.jpg or favicon.gif Also I looked at your webpage and the code still isn't in there. All it is is this: <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> </html> You should realy add something to your page before worrying about a favicon. You don't need to start "accessorizing" your site until you actualy have a site.
  8. The site is up, with the "Index of /" page on it, but when I go to replayband.heliohost.org/cpanel, it won't let me login to load the actual website! What can I do?
  9. But people would get annoyed because their post would take five hours to be proccessed. People would start to leave, and helionet/heliohost would lose revenue, haveing to shut down for ANOTHER 6 months
  10. May be where you live - the timezone may be different. Just try whenever your on the computer untill you get it. The same thing happened to me at 9pm Mountain Time, so I woke up at 7am the next day so I could register early. Worked smoothly. Now I'm just waiting for my account to activate. Approx. 5 put of 48 hours down, 43 more to go...
  11. Shouldn't byrons example fix this issue? "DirectoryIndex drupal.html" Also, thanks wizard I think I might be downloading notepad++ in the future. I googled it and it looks way better for html. Plus it may help me in the future as I look into programming Byron that prgoram was great, although the validation was a little off. Told me my </head> was improper because there was no <head> when there was. All in all it worked pretty well other then that
  12. Thanks - I guess I have to go change all my links EDIT: Wow I just discovered CTRL + F in notepad! What a nice little search tool. Made things much easier - replaced FR2 home.html to index.html on 15 pages in 10 minutes.
  13. This thread is over a month old. Quit necroing. whoops I always forget to look at the dates anyways I need to go look up what necroing means and if the original poster is reading this I still need the dumbed down link
  14. the question is, are you real? lol no I am pretty sure I am real. Although if I wasn't real, I probably would say that I am real just to keep you in the matrix...
  15. People are haters because they are full of hate - to be brief. I don't think your a hater for hating haters - I think excessive hating would cause you to be labeled a hater.
  16. [delete]
  17. Death isn't boring... just painful for some.
  18. Some people found evidence there were explosives planted near the base, I saw it on TV. Discovery channel never lies...
  19. Yeah...well we all know the earth is round, so let's just close this thread before someone actualy starts beleiving the earth is flat
  20. No i doubt it exists - maybe on a small level but i doubt the whole monkey-to-human thing, because then why are there no half-monkey human things? On the other hand - Lego evolution DOES exist! It started out as a small, 1x1 block... yeah...it turned into swine flu Not really but close enough. Woah you just summed up almost all of the first book of the bible (Genesis) in a couple sentences @_@ That's a really good one
  21. It could have easily been both, God could have decided to make an earth by smashing particles together? Also, if you look at the SIMPLEST layout/form of a singular cell in a human, and the fact there are billions of these all working together in each person and animal and living thing, there is no way you can deny the fact of some sort of intelligent design
  22. I didn't watch it - my internet is way to slow to watch video's. It took me over an hour just to load Ninja Melk (by Ryan Higa) on youtube. It's only 20 minutes long. Anyways the 'dumbed down' link was broken so if you could post it again? thanks; sounds interesting
  23. I'm thinking of switching from PC (Windows XP) to Mac (Snow Lepoard or whatever) But I have been PC all my life - it's what my family uses so I'm stuck with it.
  24. Woot! Another Dream Theater Fan!! I love Avenged Sevenfold, Seether and other bands too! Hey Gianfrix - welcome to helionet Are you hosting any websites on heliohost? |) R 3 /-\ /\/\ +h3a+3r
  25. like what I'll edit them in
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