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Everything posted by Mokothemonkey

  1. Does your homepage have to be titled anything specific, or can it be anything you want. I currently have my homepage called "FR2 home.html" will I have to change it to "home.html" before I host it? Thanks
  2. Will do! Thanks for the help I'll use php for my forms
  3. Here is the code: <form method="post" action="mailto:myname@yahoo.com"> <input type="hidden" name="mailto" value="myname@yahoo.com"> form stuff here <p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></p> </form> When I get the email from a sent form, and download the POSTDATA text, all it says is "mailto:myname@yahoo.com[][]"
  4. Hey I'm Mokothemonkey and whatever I'm new. -Big fan of GameMaker 7 and Free Rider 2. -HTML + CSS addict -I post alot - but not spam, never spam
  5. Yeah I noticed that too... I forgot to put in Linkin Park
  6. Also If you feel like it post your favorite artist in that particular type of music
  7. lol touche I totaly forgot about the inline spell checkers on safari and the other browsers :duh: I use IE so I don't have that
  8. I'm not worried about copyright, I was worried my page would be messed up because of the tiny screen
  9. Thanks! The code isn't to badly wrong, it just had to add a <br /> and it was good. I will keep that link for when I post the website
  10. I would have thought iTunes would be more popular, seeing as ipods are everywhere these days.
  11. It's hard to find something on google with keywords that cover such a broad area. Turn's out macworld had a small section about it - it was called techspanion.
  12. I made my webpage, then at the end added the <!doc> tag at the top. It messed up my webpage, so I changed it from XHTML 1.0 to HTML 4.1 It still messed some stuff, but fixed others. Can I just forget about the <!doc> tag altogether? I have seen many sites that just start with <html> thanks!
  13. If you were to add a spelling/grammer checker onto the posts, it would keep people from having un-readable writing. Also you could add something that would blank out or take out rude words. I think this would really help, especialy with my horrible spelling Moko
  14. Didn't the myan's get wiped out from deseases spread from the arrivial of Spanish Ships in the area? They never finished the calander because their population was wiped out. I remember reading that somewhere. EDIT: Sorry mixed the Myan's up with the Incas
  15. awesome! I will put it up very soon
  16. Whenever I click 'store' on the rules topic about helio points it just takes me to the main forum page?!? Do I need to have a heliohost account first? Also where can I see how many points I have? Thanks, I couldn't find any help anywhere else on the site
  17. Why does the "IF YOU USE VERY BAD GRAMMER OR SPAM YOU WILL BE FINED OR BANNED. READ THE GUIDLINES" sign have to be so big and red? It takes away from the whole forums experiance, makes the site look a little unproffessional, and scares me with the word 'fine' because that means less money. Maybe if it was in all the blank space in the top navigation bar, or before the submit button of posts? Just a suggestion Moko
  18. Is there anything I should know iphones do or don't do with my website? Can I just have a normal website and it appear exactly as it would on a moniter? Thanks!
  19. weird what did it say?
  20. wow you answer stuff fast -> less then an hour from posting
  21. If you go to just the webpage style, then no it won't work when you go to save, click Save As and save as a .htm or .html file You can tell if you've already done so by seeing if the file is .pub or .html .pub = no .html = yes
  22. Just wondering I couldn't find anything in the terms - so does heliohost post their ads on your website? I am thinking of putting up a Free Rider 2 website soon. Just the ALPHA version though, i think I might get a .com for the full version.
  23. Okay, ths should be kindof fun trying to explain this... -It was for mac -It was recently canceled -converted movies to ipod format -changed sound files -was very famouse AND I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME!!!
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