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Everything posted by Mokothemonkey

  1. What is a good URL redirection or free domain name that relates to an online store. I am making a Spreadshirt Shop and would like to make an alternative webpage that actually has structure and organization. Although, I don't want to have a myname.heliohost.org because that would be unprofessional - and I wouldn't want to EVER be unprofessional =)
  2. click on it it will take you to the site - otherwise danasoft.com

  3. That was Nightcracker who posted that, but my reply to that would be, you would "accidently" be lying. Wh00ps - it's still funny though. And a little illegal
  4. [byron] And what if you "accidently" enter 1984 instead of 1994? [/byron] I lol'd
  5. Tables are bad, a table get's shown when ALL content in the table is loaded. If you have big images on your page the page won't show anything until the pictures and everything else is loaded. Never put a whole site in a table. Use this instead: <div align="center"> %CONTENT HERE% </div> Yes tables are icky thanks for the suggestion
  6. I usually use Arial (12px) with notepad, because it's clear and doesn't get blurry. The font does look a little better though, I might download it soon enough when I actually have the time to click a button. It has good letter spacing, and everything as very clear. Nice find Moko
  7. Post links to your blogs here. If you want to give a short description that tells us basicly what it is. You can add stuff like: -What's it about, why do you do it? -Do you enjoy blogging? -How many hits are you getting? -Did you code it yourself or use a service like blogger? Add anything else that sticks out about your blog. I personally have a blog here.
  8. False. Maybe they changed their terms of service then
  9. I made a site for a band I know. Not my best work - but the only one that's currently up on the net. Check it out - Visit The Website
  10. Personally, I don't like my Wii on some days due to the fact of the motion sensing. For a lot of games it is fun, eg wiiplay, wii sports, etc. but when those days when I just want to sit on the couch and play it doesn't work so well. For that reason I choose the PS3 or Xbox 360 for their normal controllers and wide variety of games. Also Shaun White Snowboarding for wii is way better for Xbox because of more customizability and online features.
  11. Have you tried The Oracle?
  12. I just got hotmail - so far I think it is okay, but nothing to yahoo or gmail because they give you way more then just email (Answers, igoogle, froogle, blogger, youtube, etc) WAY better then stupid old outlook. It feels more, i dunno, 'advanced' then outlook. Although I do have outlook 2004, that might make a difference,
  13. You can always just put a link to email with a message already put in it with the <a href="mailto:"> tag Then they would just put in what their email address is <a href="mailto:Your Friends Email Goes Here?subject=Check out this great site?message=Check out www.site.com">Tell A Friend!</a> I just thought that up, never tested it though. I agree with byron that The Oracle (aka Google) is very helpfull when trying new scripts
  14. well i meant a TLD domain like .com or .net or blah blah blah IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless of course you get 400 posts or some other crazy amount here at helionet - but let's keep that on the DL so they do it long enough for us newbs to get that much Anyways you couldn't get the .co.cc because you have to be 18+ You can get url-redirection, so when people put in www.yourname.com it goes to yourname.heliohost.org but I am not sure it's always free. You should put your site up for a month or two at heliohost for testing. work out the bugs, and if you are getting a constant stream of hits then you should look into a TLD. If you really want a TLD you should look into buying one. Their only like $10 a year for a .com, and you can usualy pay with paypal Good luck with then site. You should PM me some screenshots. P.S. I don't think you can get a .blahblahblah
  15. Go to danasoft.com for the IP thing. You can get different ones and customize what it says. The you just add the link into either your "about me" or signature.

  16. Wow I never thought of using tables Thanks!
  17. I lol'd. Then what do you suggest I use? I'm on the internet a lot so I want some sort of anti-virus protection. Anyways It may be beyond my authority to change as it's not my computer... although I am the only one who uses Firefox and Safari so I could take out the toolbar.
  18. Cool I decided to put a left menu/sitemap up and then fill the rest with content. Thanks
  19. Thanks for the help everyone
  20. Check it out: http://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=heliohost.org What's up with that? It says my heliohost account is unsafe because of this as well
  21. I've made my menu, but I have no clue what to have the layout as. The website is based around basic html and css tutorials and how-to's This is what I have so far: What all should I have in my main page?
  22. It is a fantastic place - although it may be a bit quiet for a couple weeks, as our root Admin, djbob, is in Europe. I am an artist and a web enthusiast. To check out some of my work click here
  23. I am looking to make a website so it is all aligned in the center of the page, with a different background in the back. For example - My Blog is all centered in the middle, with a brown background. Also ThinkGeek is an example. Don't know what it's called, so I couldn't use google
  24. Works PERFECTLY thanks!
  25. Wondering where you got the inisial funds to start heliohost when you were 16? PM me if you feel like answering

    P.S. Have fun in Europe!

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