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Everything posted by Mokothemonkey

  1. religion can mean any religion. When talking about it just specify which religion it is.
  2. yeah... I later saw that.
  3. I will have to sign up in the morning tomorrow then, because the limit has been reached today
  4. As for another Author - Try the Hunger Games for a book. It's a goodin I have recently found Thrice as my new fav band
  5. I know what you mean... An occasional swear word in lyrics is one thing but to hear "F" this and "F" that in so many songs, is just uncreative. They have a couple clean songs on 21st century, but Horseshoes and Hand-grenades is ridiculous.
  6. I tweet, therefore I am
  7. What???
  8. I am just html'ing and css'ing my site. nothing fancy goin on here
  9. now it's working... this morning, it redirected me to www.heliohost.org:blahblahnumbers/ now it's fine...
  10. basic terms of service apply here as well... I would add the link but I can't access heliohost.org basic stuff as - no copy written stuff - no illegal stuff - etc etc etc
  11. you can't access heliohost.org without a username and pass either tho you probably knew that already
  12. yay byron! The party was so crazy my account still isn't working yay!
  13. so, If I sign up for adwords, how far will $25 go? Reason is that this awesome SEO book I'm getting comes with $25 adsense/adwords credit. Also, could I use that and that only so I don't spend any of my money? Thanks!
  14. adding a review right now... If it's your site, loading times are a little long
  15. This should help... http://tinyurl.com/y9c399f
  16. don't you hate it when that happens? the internet can be pretty picky sometimes... remember to rename any links to your old "Index.html" to "index.html"
  17. Happy Birthday World! 2010 looks like it'll be a goodun!
  18. this guy isn't real: cleverbot.com Yes, I am really real as real can be. but the real question is, are you real? hmm?
  19. I switched to the mac os x mail program, hooked up to my hotmail account. It's just easier to have all my emails in one place.
  20. though some people prefer strictly the rapping, so their two separate topics.
  21. Happy Birthday to Byron!
  22. nice to see djbob showed up domain: mokothemonkey.heliohost.org username: moko No, I do not have another account it's my dads - I manage his site. Just pointing it out b/c this issue popped up last time I tried registered it sometime in early November.
  23. Merry Christmas everyone! Have a safe rest of the holidays
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