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Everything posted by majazac

  1. Since i don't even have SAT in here, i wouldn't know either, but i'd love to. Infos for my book...
  2. Lol, that's what you get bu reading the conversation of two highly smart and quick people!
  3. same as FDM. It even goes more than 10 connections if the server allows that much. And you choose how many downloads you want simultaneously. and it seems like you're not using it cuz the ram consumptions in virtually none
  4. but sony's marketing campaign are fantastic. At least here in Brazil
  5. fine by my... plus one or minus one community won't make that much difference over the almos 100 communities i'm part... Just send me the adress that i'll subscribe
  6. i'm back. When you want now!
  7. yeah you did... night!
  8. sometimes. but it doesn't kill to have them.... good night! we continue our usual spam tomorrow...
  9. dunno.. but i'm going to sleep right now....i lose! to sleep that took me and to you, who'll get the last post! darn... [bleeped!] sleepness
  10. yeah! sure! that would be great!
  11. better than 15 hours.. i hate math, but your plans sounds cool. I almost did architecture before i decided for law and just gave up cuz of the math envolved
  12. sure, if you watch any movie or show for like 45674357 times, it tires...
  13. Cooolll!!! didn't even got there and i already have a "nearby" friend yuck. hate math... but engeneering is cool. Witch area of engeneering?
  14. i got tired of all his miraculous inventions... pretty much an effort to try to even pretend that i could believe it was possible
  15. LOL. so you would visit me there???? Good to know that i would already have a friend. You're gonna do engineering? Cool!
  16. i could say that not sleep to watch tv, specially reruns, are stupid, but hey, everyone with their manias... I used to watch MacGyver, but got tired. Prefer the actor in Stargate...
  17. LOL... well anyway is closer than where i live right now.. i'll try to get an imigrant card and then apply for a canadian passport... and go for my 3rd nacionality
  18. oh god, you're stayin awake for tv shows?? download them in the net and go sleep!
  19. LMAO!!!! oh come on.. you can go to sleep right now
  20. except from moving away to an english speaking country, there isn't. BTW i'm thinking in move to Canada in about 3 or 4 years
  21. yeah... really, isn't it? but what can i do? it just happens
  22. ouch... i went to sleep it was 1h30 am and woke up at 11h30 am.... but sill i'm a bit sleepy..
  23. actually is not that late... 15 to 1 am... but i still have some late sleep to catch up. But i'm not going anywhere... i'm waiting a friend to come online
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