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Everything posted by majazac

  1. gosh i hate the story of chamber of secrets... du you guys llike it?
  2. is cool, but a bit out of focus...
  3. I'd go with no. And very simply because of human nature. Altough Platon said that humans are social animals, they are also deeply selfish. Never ALL humans would agree. Specially cuz being so selfish, one's answer, vision, solution would ALWAYS be the correct one. And everyone, or at least, the great majority thinks like that, wants to be right. There is fanatism, there is crazy people. The great "mark", the great "symbol" for human kind is it's diversity. There'll be no earth without diversity. Think about how to make the world one? Witch culture choose? Witch language? Currency? Flag? Anthem? Every country, every culture, every religion proclaims to be the best one... See why problably there'll never be unity?
  4. that's true. But by legal system I was also referring to investigation and prison. All fases
  5. really cool images
  6. i gues i'm slow. didn't get the joke
  7. don't say that. Who knows what may happen. Just say you don't intend to see his face
  8. with the due excuse, but US sucks at soccer... GO BRASIL!!!! Now is beat France, get a goody revenge on them for 1998 and them semifinals. Hope that Argentina gets eliminated and hopefully a final Brazil x Italy... I love world cups, though i have soccer...
  9. majazac


    the hosting is amazing. Fast, with good b/w and space and a very well personal treatment by Teh Owner, djbob!
  10. welcome on board, Prashant!!! If it's up to me you'll enjoy being in here.
  11. technically yes... Share any copyrighted music is a crime, doens't mather the way you do it. But P2P itself isn't illegal.
  12. it's true. There is the trailer on the internet.
  13. the problem is to determine when is the required time, the rightfull time. Cuz you can perfectly well be based on fake evidence and so on. Don't get me wrong, I do think that the hiddeos crimes should be punished with death...but only in a very efficient legal system
  14. how do u use php and css????
  15. then don't comment!
  16. Germany are a good team. Czach are about to get eliminated. Argentina sucks and GO BRAZIL (yes, i am brazilian... )
  17. well people here are quite funny... they are good fellas... hope you like it and as long as you follow the rules, we shall like you...
  18. and loves to break rules... cuz he spammed, posted one word post and went WAY off topic
  19. is it just me or this guy joined just to be kinda a new myscrnnm WITHOUT the "logical" posts
  20. why??? You don't like the comics or just the movie?
  21. we are commenting the movie, not if Harry is stupid or not. In any case, if you comment you should place YOUR reasons why.
  22. mods please will you punish this guy? one word post AND off topic
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