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Everything posted by majazac

  1. awwwwww.... they are sooooo cute!!!!! Both of them... Willow and Oz... cuteeeee...
  2. LOLLL.... true.... b-day cake is great
  3. LOL!!!! why?
  4. yeahhh!!! the more the merier. Actually I spreaded the host to 2 people,
  5. don't have those around. Dial-up is dead market.
  6. In here we don't have comercials for dial-up no more. Just broadband.
  7. god is really irritating a dial-up after you get used to fast one... noone in his normal mind would wilingly come back
  8. teoraticly is not sure yet that there's gonna be one... but i guess that is better if he does it
  9. and seing how far we went from the topic, they give up on posting. Yeah, i guess you're correct...
  10. well, you actually cannot forbid me... hey, don't you think that everyone around here hates when we start to spam like that? Or do u think that they have fun
  11. yay!!! i wanted to be part of it too...
  12. poor guy... so high expectations...
  13. LOOOLLL!!!! LMFAO!!!! Problably didn't saw interesting stuff...
  14. LOL... gosh! spare me the vision!!! well.. since here is a tourism spot, actually some attractive persons go to see how it is... altough they stay in the "covered" part. But from what i've seen on tv (sometimes they do interviews there with the nudists, not showing their faces, of course... ) they are really ugly in the most
  15. if anyone did it. No one does, you know? Society, morale, yadda... But, in my town we got one of the most "famous" nudity beaches... LOL
  16. see? is not that bad... plus, in cold you can get dressed up and turn the heater on and not feel cold anymore. In heat you can get naked and it doen't change.
  17. what a dream you just pictured. Remenber that i already lived in France, that although didn't came till that level of snow (south France have kinda a really easy winter), made me know how to dress... My sis went to Lake Tahoe a few years ago and she said that in some of the winter days she could even be with a light blouse and a coat. But others froze her to the bones... Drive in the snow? Come on, i still don't even know how to drive properly in the heat...
  18. YAY!!!! COLDD!!!! I WANT IT!!! I'm frying here in Brazil, and i just HATE heat. and i absolutly LOVE COLD!!!
  19. Never piss a lawyer... He can leave you without your pants (and all the money firts... ) in the cold. And yeah, you couldn't!!!
  20. ouch, that's rude. I was going to mention you in the thanks, but after that, call you lawyers! That is if i ever ask you anything again...
  21. sure it can. Of COURSE it can. Texas are cool... a bit dry i'd say though. But never been there. You live nearer to me than HL...
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