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Everything posted by majazac

  1. although i still says that nokia is the best, i just got a Sony Ericsson cell that made me like the brand...
  2. what a big revelation!!!! Gosh, who woud've imagined???? Why new subject???? You just came out of the closet... i guess we shoul ALL talk about that
  3. well then i kinda lost one hour rolling the screen and closing my eyes a few times to give them rest...
  4. for the torrent file to work u have to get the "client" witch is a program that connects u p2p. I love BitComet. But there are others like ACB, Azureus, uTorrent. Find them in any download site. Then install it and execute the downloaded file from the torrents index's sites
  5. the "weird language" is italian. Quite similar to portuguese actually. There must be subtitles on the net. Try to fnd them in google. But the best way to find the episodes is problably torrent. Try www.mininova.org they have an anime section
  6. liked the mirror one...
  7. wow... so, you came out of the closet, huh?
  8. AMD Athlon 2.4 MHz 512 MB Kingston Ram 80 GB HD (dont remenber the manufacturer) nVidea GForce FX 5200 128MB D-Link 500G Modem and its a very good computer where i live in, for you guys to check how late we are in tech here...
  9. where i live, is not cheap, but is acessible. I have ADSL 1MB thanks LORD and will NEVER having the option to swith back to dial-up... God forbids me to have to come back... is SOOOOOO slow. I wouldn't have the pacience anymore. I can't even stand a slower broadband witouth gettin impacient
  10. i really like Free Download Manager..
  11. The Godfather Theme by John William
  12. i read it in 5h... sitting my [bleeped!] in the computer. Got it online...
  13. i bet you wouldn't like to be attacked by a really strong and "big" gay guy, would you?
  14. 1468 oh. got it now
  15. and what about rapist? Do you have any idea of the degradation that they put a woman through? Or pedofile? Or torture? Don't they deserve to die either?
  16. we are talking about equality and the right that ewveryone possesses to do as pleased. If two man or two woman wants to get married, let them! Religion is not discussed here.
  17. neither. don't live is US... But i was hoping that Kerry won. Bush is a morron
  18. well US policy could be better... after all it's the country with more air poluents..,
  19. The expantions on TS2 are so great
  20. dunno any links for downloads, but i do know a link for mini-images and cracks and keygens... http://www.gamecopyworld.com/
  21. Read a book is not a waste of time. On the contrary. The time you'll spend looking for infos on the books is more than enough reading the first one of the serie. And after that you'll die to read the rest. She's a great writer. The books are FAAARRRRRR MUCH BETTER than the movies. And you'll just understand it by reading all of them.
  22. You'll never enjoy really the story if you don't read it. But i suppose you can find infos on it in wikipedia.
  23. wouldn't know... usually when i don't like a book i don't pass the firsts chapters. And those are quite a lot...
  24. Harry Potter is just great!!! Love the world she created... But i'd still go with "The Godfather"
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