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Everything posted by majazac

  1. all american licences are funnier than the brazilian one, witch by the way is just one for all the country. It's light and dark green.
  2. oh that's for sure... just couldn't come up with a better defitinition
  3. 1466 close to what?
  4. 1462 don't call him names
  5. strange... well, good luck with the car
  6. 1470 No!!! 1460... Kyougi (can i call you K? is so hard to type... ) jumped 10 numbers
  7. wow. big change... maybe somebody will. After all the face is still the same... ouch... 1000??? What have you done?
  8. one pretty day he stopped working. Sure i know i can try to download and re install it, but who guarantees me that he'll work? IE opens but he doens't loads any page. I'm just happy with FF and Opera.
  9. i was talking about when it wasn't. I know it came back
  10. yeah, i know that...
  11. wow you look different in this picture than the one from orkut.... So... all usefull infos erased??? darn... Bur anyway congrats on you. Got my own "car" news too. Although i have license for more than a year, since my family car didn't have insurence i couldn't drive. But now, we bought a new one with insurence so I'm gonna get my permanent license (here in brasil you first got a tempo one, so if you screw too much they can screw you back... ) and drive out. When i got the new one, maybe I'll scan it too. Though i look kinda bad in the picture as well. Why those things happens?
  12. yeah. it's kinda a freak show when he's around...
  13. it's cool... funny.
  14. the best way for me to download music is P2P softwares like eMule (eDonkey)
  15. besides Backstreet Boys, i'm kinda into Simple Plan, Greenday, Yellowcard, The Killers, Kelly Clarkson, All American Rejects, Fallout Boy and... gosh, so many...
  16. too bad. cuz they are great. Although i prefer Greenday and Simple Plan. I gues i'm a little bit emo.
  17. The Godfather 3. Actually i love all the three of them, but prefer the last one of the trilogy
  18. I hated the scene with the dragon. Unecessarily long. Could've taken the time to do other stuff. And they kinda made people believe that Harry and Hermione will stay together. 1 to 10 i'd give a 8.9
  19. there is already the ads in my movie theather. I'm so crazy to watch it...
  20. oh come... Shrek is the best of his kind. The only ones that come near are The Incredibles and Finding Nemo
  21. i liked it. The squirrel was so funny.. poor guy. The endind is worth everything. And the mamuts are great too... I thought it was really funny
  22. what are you testin? Listening to Kelly Clarkson - Because You
  23. yeah.... i hate IE... and it hates me... it just doesn't work in my computer...
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