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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. Yeah, and if you get Hotmail Popper, you can use it through Outlook and ThunderBird.
  2. They hit up you cookies and stuff where it saves everything you inputted at other sites.
  3. I like math... I dont always understand the math, but I like math... which is why I stole my teachers shirt that says "Math is hard".
  4. lol, that was a long time ago... and who uses frames? Frames are ugly and annoying.
  5. I never really managed to have a good idea for a layout... lol.
  6. Gmail probobly blocks them out... Mailwasher usually kills at least 700 to 800 messages for me every day, at least half of them came from those sites.
  7. My cousin, whos younger than me, did his mom's (my aunt's) math thesus for her for her PhD.
  8. ... never heard of Simple Machines before... I like the forum layout too!
  9. Thts just cuz no one likes you. No one taught me cuz, well, no one knew!
  10. Pretty sweet, and a lot better than the first thing I did in html...
  11. Heh, TI-BASIC taught me enough to see that thats an if-then statement telling it to increase by one. 850
  12. no one taught me... :cry:
  13. And if all else fails, I know how to assemble a toilet, insides and out, and I can replace them... (interesting stories on how I learned all that... but not now) So, does wanting a major in math drop me down a few spots on the list?
  14. You olny get spam really bad when you visit shady serial and download sites...
  15. I'm looking into electrical engineering, double major that and mathmatics.
  16. Theres one tech school in massachusets thats giving full scholerships, but I dunno yet.
  17. no, the thing about sony and banannas...
  18. Me, five other guys, and one girl all went skinny dipping last week... Edit: four other guys... eric is a wuss.
  19. LMAO Thats funny right there
  20. In two years... Still havnt picked what university I'm going to, and that summer I'm gunna be all over the country...
  21. Nope. Your talking to a member of Limerick's Streaking Squad.
  22. *shudder* stop saying that...
  23. I would have walked around naked. I have no problem with that. But I problbly would have been out front in my lawn chair. lol.
  24. Would have been interesting if that had really happened.
  25. *tries to avoid naughty images in his mind*
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