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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. All mathmatics is theory based upon theory. The decimal system itself is a theory, upon which all mathematics is based. Had the decimal system been set up any other way all of mathematics would be completly different. All mathematics is is a system humans devised to help explain things in understandable terms.
  2. Read further and it says that they would rather you save them to your own hard drive and upload them to your own server instead of hotlinking and stealing their bandwith.
  3. I bet he was just kidding *cough*
  4. Lol, now its doubled here... anyways, its only 10 points, and if any mods notice, theyll just delete it and maybe take ten points from you.
  5. Outlook is confusing, full of stuff I'll never use, and most e-mail viruses are programmed to go through it. Outlook Express is cool, but again, its targeted by viruses and [bleeped!].
  6. Diddnt double at my end... anyways, some genious decided to double the fine every time, so 50 became 100 became 200 became 400, became 800, became 1600, became 3,200, became 6,400, and after 10 or 15 curses, your out of points!!
  7. Thats what I dislike, memorizing formulas. I enjoy having the formulas, and having to just know the order of operations, and go through and square this, subtract that, find the fifth root of that...
  8. *makes a mental note to send majazac to a site with a page of blinking text*
  9. Physics is cool, but Bio is just so boring... plus, theres no definite right or wrong answer...
  10. its not as fast as others
  11. Yeah, if you were active enough and hadnt been fined 10,000,000 points like I was... lol.
  12. I use ThunderBird and do the same for my 5
  13. I made a page like that for fun, then stared at it for 5 minutes... gave me a headache.
  14. Trig sucks... but I understand it, and dammit, your gunna too... if it takes me the next year of my life... after that, I wont care anymroe...
  15. To be immature and have fun... and everyone knows that people like us dont have fun.
  16. Lol, if anything will give you a seizure, its a black page full of white, blinking text... lol.
  17. I figured... Your [bleeped!] right, I havnt used it in... 2 years maybe? I dunno, but its been awhile. My dad seems to think its cool cuz he can use it with his PDA
  18. Its worth the slow load IMO
  19. Most of it doesnt have a point... and the rest of it is just immature stuff.
  20. maybe I'll try and teach you
  21. And so was that freaking <blink> tag...
  22. Uhh, just out of curiosity, how come you refer to inanimate objects by gender-specific terms? I dunno about Peurto-whatever... but in english we just call it an it...
  23. Really stupid [bleeped!]... Check them out...
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