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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. They still cost money, and heres a news flash, so do computers, laptops, and handhelds needed to read them.
  2. Because it had to be said, and you cant say it wasnt funny.
  3. My experience with Noka[sic] phones is that they get bad reception regardless of the service.
  4. HerLoss


    Wee is responsable for what he said, no one else. Djbob isnt responsable, so it should be none of his concern unless he wants to call it some kind of rule infraction. Otherwise, djbob is neither obligated to change the post, nor responsable for the original post.
  5. The whole point of the argument was whether or not people could get ahold of the book. You said " Still, in this digital age, we must adapt and use eBooks." out of NOWHERE, as if it was a great alternative to these people who cant get ahold of the book in paper. How, might I ask, is someone with limited funds supposed to afford the eBook if they cant afford the regular book either?
  6. I think that Djbob doesnt see this is an issue, so wont act on his own on this. This is where HP gets implemented, where if it is proven to be an issue, or the senate guys vote that it is, action will be made by the speaker through the ACP.
  7. HerLoss


    The whole thing with a the bars like that is its own law that doesnt pertain to any other situation. When you sell someone alcohol in that kind of setting, you become responsable for them as they are no longer capable of being responsable for themselves. Most places take your keys away when you go in and dont give them back till youre sober. In our case, there is nothing inhibiting a member's thoughts, so no one is responsable for them but themselves.
  8. yeah, some people have that dominatrix fetish... lmao.
  9. Yeah, but said bananna still has the same setup as a DualShock controller. Its not like the difference between the SNES, N64, and GC controllers. Not by a long shot.
  10. HerLoss


    I dont think it's ever happened, and it would be totally retarded if it ever did, I mean, unless the parent sat down and taught the kid everything they needed to know, theres no way they are responsable.
  11. Nintendo is always going to be awesome cuz it takes all the original games, and puts a new twist on them with every console, like with the Revolution it's going to be how the controller works. The DS is the touch pad thingy, and every other console has had a new controller. XBox and Sony on the otherhand take the same old FPS's, racing games, etc. with the same boring controller, and act like its the greatest thing ever. I just got a modulator so I could use my PS2 with my "new" tv after a year without it, and even after having to re-learn all the controls the games are still the same old thing.
  12. HerLoss


    Thats like a kid going out and killing a whole bunch of people, and their parents going to jail cuz, they were responsable for their children.
  13. HerLoss


    All he's saying is that it isnt his fault, and he cant be held accountable, which he cant.
  14. Just so everyone knows, I have choice words for anyone who has a problem with choice words.
  15. No I'm not.
  16. most ebooks cost money. Its a fact, get used to it.
  17. Only to contradict me and only just now.
  18. Yes, those of us who feel like hanging our [bleeped!] out on the line and pirating a copy, but there are still plenty others who are straight and dont have the cash to burn. None of this changes the fact that there are many people who have yet to read the book, but intend to.
  19. Ooh, ooh, I know a million websites on how to hack google that can be found on a google search!! lol
  20. Hmm... getting back to the legal issues, what was said isnt classified as slander. It isnt classified as anything. What was said would have to hurt you economically some how by ruining your reputation in the buisness world. I very much doubt that anything said here has cause a loss of income to anyone (except for djbob's profits from someone getting pissed off and leaving).
  21. Because he's against anything other than the gaystation
  22. Some people who dont feel like buying it hop on the waiting list at the nearest library. It's very possible that a lot of people who want to read it havnt yet.
  23. Just watch Band of Brothers. It'll waste a good day at least and you wont have to read didly!
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