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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. No, you argue because you are an egotistical sociopath who cant comprehend the fact that he is wrong.
  2. 1382, skipped one. Anyone else find it odd that there's two chris's, accounts created one day after the other, and posts within minutes of each other?
  3. Hmm.. well theres every remake of mario ever done, donkey kong was never all that bad especially the original where mario was created, zelda is and will always be the best RPG of it's kind. Mario Party was pretty awesome, the pokemon games brought in a HUGE amount of cash for them in the beginning, the spyro games they put out for the advanced were awesome, etc.
  4. too bad, in theory, it would kill hundreds of thousands of innocents.
  5. Well I scanned it out of the newspaper, so no more right now, but this particular strip always has stuff like this every week, so I can do it every saturday.
  6. Just read it. http://img72.imageshack.us/my.php?image=do...ry1008057uh.jpg
  7. I am aware of this, but the United States is one of the richer countries in the world, like Switzerland, Luxembourg, Japan, et cetera. Why do you think Sony and Philips invented the E-Ink technology? So that you can conserve energy and save yourself some pain at the same time. eBooks don't suck. You can go and buy your large voluminous books, but I'm going to save some trees thank you very much. Still a great deal of US citizens cant afford a computer, much less other electronics. Again, people cant afford electronics. Even on non light emitting screens such as the older handhelds like Palm, give people headaches. yes, I'll go buy my books that have collectible and resell value, that I can also donate to the less fortunate.
  8. Yeah, but I was mocking myscrnnm's excessive use of it, using his spelling of the word to enhance the effect.
  9. They had better, cuz I'm actually getting bored of emulating the good ol days.
  10. So now I've moved up from figment to imaginary friend. Go me! lol.
  11. First, he is a retard. Wait, I shouldnt diss retards like that as I know a few who make more sense than him. Second, no you didnt have to reply to what he said. It went overboard in the whole *...* crap, and instead of being less mature than him, you could have called him on it.
  12. No he doesnt.
  13. Which brings around my original statement about blowing away the current topic.
  14. [bleeped!] hell. First, KC, that was going a little overboard, and myscrnnm, that was totally innapropriate.
  15. Apparently so, as I have no clue what the Rene the Gay thread has to do with word censors.
  16. I'm just a figment of your imagination, now stop fantasizing about me!! lmao
  17. The fact that you are a total retard who blows away the current topic in order to make a point that makes no sense? Yeah, we get that.
  18. No, its an understatement.
  19. *decides he cant dumb it down any further and walks away as well*
  20. I have no problem with the word censors being turned on. Go ahead and present it.
  21. Heh, myscrnnm is so stingy he works with crappy scenes in normal books instead of shelling out the cash for a decent peice of erotic literature.
  22. I'm sure djbob would LOVE to throw away another 50 a month just to have the knowledge that, with his super new secure server, there still wont be anyone hacking in. There is no way that HN is so popular that it requires extra security. Its not as if he has anything super secret stored on the server (or does he?), that cant be replaced.
  23. Electronics of any kind are a luxury many cant afford. eBooks have absolutly no re-sell value, have no collectable value, and reading off a screen for extended periods of time gives a lot of people headaches. eBooks suck.
  24. this site is just as secure as 95% of all the other websites out there. Only a select few have heavily secured servers. This could have happened to anyone.
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