Heh... either I'm seriously not reading everything or you edited that in there to make me look stupid... lol. Yes, Stephen Lynch - [bleeped!], was the song. a total of 200 points to be awarded... now to think of a better one...
All I have to say, is watch "Farenheight 911", cuz thats where my multitude of knowledge comes from... now I have the anti-Michael Moore movie, "FarenHYPE 911" sitting on my computer... maybe I'll watch that today...
yeah, cuz mr tony blair had to make a speach... I swear, after listening to NPR for 6 hours, if I hear the words "covered in blood and blackened with soot" ONE MORE TIME...
Also notice that all the european terrorists in countries that happen to be oil suppliers are targets, but no one gives a [bleeped!] about all the genecide and [bleeped!] going on in Africa?
I dont mean to be a dick or anything, but so many people? 50 or 60 people died for nothing, I'll give you that, but in Iraq, an average of 30 people die from terrorist attacks EVERY DAY.
Just to put things in perspective.
In the words of my russian grandfather, "Out there is democracy, in here is dictatorship." lol. Theres not much we can do in how you ultimatly decide to do things so... long live the king!
yeah, some group called "The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe" claimed responsibility on a web site an hour or so after the last explosion, and specialists say that its written with the same structure as the claims made by al-Quaida for the Madrid and 9/11 things...
I belive that you cant sue the police/fire-department due to the fact that they cant do their job if they fear being sued... but I really dont know about the government. Lets try! lol.
Plus, your only the government for a couple more weeks.