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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. Hmm.. I tested this with elgg to double-check the second post, let me try another random upload.


    EDIT: Ooookkk, so, uploaded an image I drew earlier tonight, that worked well enough. However a 9 byte .txt with "test file" gave me that error, so something's going on with the cPanel settings. Let's hope it's fixed soon.

  2. You can delete an account using this script.


    An admin will have to manually mess with your account to change the add-on domain limit, and possibly remove DNS records to your Johnny account's domain to allow you to park it on Stevie.


    Finally, have you tried your username in all lowercase? This seems to usually be the culprit behind login problems.

  3. Also, this database shows that every minute some sites in the world are hacked right now. It's scary...


    If you ever thought otherwise now you know. Also I'd like to mention that themes are just as common as attack vectors as plugins, in fact it's "easier" because you can create a popular theme with a trojan hidden as a part of the package. Then it's like fishing, hang the bait and check what you catch every now and then.


    59 hacked sites from one heliohost server during last two years, and five sites in the last two days.


    This actually makes me feel relatively safe, consider the sheer volume of accounts on HelioHost, and that most hacks use plugin/theme/add-ons as attack vectors, it means the service itself is highly secure. If someone installs an Angry Birds theme or something thinking it looks cool, then in retrospect learns one of the files contains malware, there's really nothing we can do to prevent that as we give users free reign over their accounts. All we can urge is that you keep regular backups and check them, and that you be smart shoppers when looking for script add-ons and scan files before installing them on a live site.

  4. My best suggestion is to try this


    Error: "500:Internal Server Error"

    There are several possible causes for this error. It is a good idea to start by checking your web server error log which should have a more comprehensive explanation. However, here are some known possibilities....

    1. Syntax error: There is a syntax error in your .htaccess or httpd.conf files. The way in which directives are written differs depending on which file you are using. You can test for configuration errors in your Apache files using the command:

    #apachectl configtest

    2. PHPsuexec: Your server does not support .htaccess files, especially if it is running PHPsuexec, which is an Apache module used for increasing the security of a site on a hosted system. In this situation:

    - you may also see a 403: Forbidden error.

    - the webserver executes under your own username and all files have a maximum permissions level of 755. Check that this is set for your Moodle directory in your control panel or (if you have access to the shell) use this command:

    #chmod -R 755 moodle

    - use a PHP.INI file instead of a .htaccess in the directory where the Moodle PHP script is being executed. For example: if you are receiving a memory exhausted error when your server is executing the file moodle/admin/cron.php, use a PHP.INI file to change your memory_limit and copy it to the moodle/admin directory. Remember that for PHP4, PHP.INI files are per-directory, so you'll need to copy it to each sub-directory. If you are using PHP5 or higher on a shared host, check with your host on whether they support custom PHP.INI files, and how to create them. The syntax used in a PHP.INI file is different from a .htaccess file and you need to take out php_value/php_flag at the beginning of the line and use an equals sign to assign a value, e.g.

    php_value memory_limit 128M <-- .htaccess

    memory_limit = 128M <-- php.ini equivalent

    3. Incompatible directive: You may have a directive in your .htaccess or httpd.conf files which are not compatible with your web server version. Check your webserver documentation.

    which are the suggestions from Moodle's FAQ.

    Also timeouts are caused by high server load, you're on Johnny which allows the use of extra services that our other server, Stevie, doesn't offer. This makes Johnny more prone to high loads and increased downtime.

  5. In a nutshell, Linux could, Mac's can't.


    Apple restricts their machines heavily, just popping the case open voids any warranty attached to the machine and it takes a lot of hoops to be allowed to work on them including NDAs. Windows works because each OEM can create their unique design for a machine but pieces from one can be used in another. Also IT departments exist because of this, they can order various machines fully made without any software from various vendors, or buy parts piecemeal to make one in-house, and install a copy of Windows with an enterprise license. Then if a computer breaks they can be fixed in-house instead of being sent off to the nearest Apple store.


    Several OEMs sell Linux pre-installs but they don't market them as strongly, so unless you're really digging through their sites you probably won't notice them, if that were to change they'd easily close the marketshare gap with Windows once people learned that most Windows-specific software often has a FOSS counterpart.

  6. My guess, if you have a working backup delete your /public_html and use that, otherwise check for hinky nonsense in your .htaccess and delete large files that you know aren't yours.


    Also consider making some super ridiculous password for your account, obviously what you're using is totally easy to find in dictionaries or rainbow tables.

  7. Something along these lines:


    echo (mail($rec,$sub,$body,$head)) ? 'Message sent!' : 'Sending failed!';


    echos the false message?


    EDIT: Well i used a file with


    $rec = 'shinryuukai@shinryuu.uni.me';
    $sub = 'just a test';
    $body = 'totally a test';
    $head = 'i\'m you!';
    echo (mail($rec,$sub,$body,$head)) ? 'Message sent!' : 'Sending failed!';


    and got told 'sending failed!' so it seems email's down on Stevie.

  8. Hmm.. How exactly does that work? A couple weeks ago I was working on a simple php login and had pMA open, inputting test data, had cPanel open on three tabs, main index, file manager and file editor, working on the actual code and was able to see the login form and results pages without getting that. Have we checked to see if there's a common script installed on the users who report this to see if that's the cause?

  9. Posted Today, 08:31 PM

    bayparkm, on 20 November 2012 - 01:02 PM, said:


    Stevie doesn't have Java support but Johnny doesCorrect. If you're on Stevie, you'll need to switch servers.


    Also, you have to request Java for your account in the Java Requests forum before it will work.


    you mean like this? http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/13845-request-for-java-deepthot/page__fromsearch__1


    You should check this stuff first guys, I got nothing relevant to say though, java is not my thing.

  10. Let me just remind you that stuff like that isn't limited to Islam, after all, Salem gave America one hell of a black eye. Anyways, my point was: don't knock on Islam just for that one thing. To them marriage is quite sacred and their core tenets match any rational societies, the problem with their current social morays is with combining church and state, however America is just as likely to go along that route even with the Constitution attempting to enforce that distinction. After all, the conservative GOP is closely tied to a Christian demographic, particularly within the bible belt.


    That's all from me on this topic, not really my cup of tea. Islam isn't perfect, but nothing ever is, every religion man creates will have faults but they each also have their positive sides, ignoring the good that comes from Islam because of one ugly truth is just as barbaric as anything.

  11. Since you're listing a co.cc as a main domain I have to ask, are you sure you're suspended?


    If you're one of the 2286 co.cc domains hosted on Heliohost service you may have noticed that your website hasn't been working the last few days. This is NOT because Heliohost is offline, but rather the http://co.cc/ service is offline. Heliohost has no control over what domain registrars do so unfortunately we can't get your domain working again.


    If you've been affected by this co.cc downtime we recommend using parked domains and addon domains to get around the problem to make your website visible again. You can also use this tool http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain to change your main domain.



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