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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. Have you checked your .htaccess file?


    Yeah, 403 has nothing to do with the DNS issues or loss of service, it means that you're connected, you just don't have the privileges to access those files.


    Your .htaccess should have something like:

    deny from all

    remove that and you should be good to go.

  2. XSS involves redirecting a request to another server hosting the actual malicious code and SQL injection only gives an attacker access to the database, they could insert a malicious bit of code but usually injection is just used to track the information in the database or drop data from it, not to plant code.

  3. What I'm assuming is that some nodes cached the hosted sites while our DNS was down because their local copies' TTL ran out. Thus leading to our "i see it's up" "no, it's down for me" debacle. It would also explain why hard reloads are resolving it for people as that forces all nodes between a user and the server to disregard cached copies of the sites being requested and redownload them. This would also explain why clearing a local cache won't work since the faulty site data isn't in the local machine but on the nodes connecting the local machine and our servers.

  4. TraceRoute from Network-Tools.com to [shinryuukai.tk]

    Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name 1 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 0 - 3 7 1 2 10gigabitethernet3-1.core1.dal1.he.net 4 64 73 75 10gigabitethernet2-3.core3.fmt2.he.net 5 47 47 47 10gigabitethernet2-1.core1.fmt1.he.net 6 46 46 47 connex-internet-services-inc.gigabitethernet6-4.core1.fmt1.he.net 7 48 47 48 -

    Trace complete



    from Network Tools

  5. Pinging ns1.heliohost.org ( with 32 bytes of data Reply from 65.19.143: bytes=32 time=51ms TTL=53 Reply from 65.19.143: bytes=32 time=52ms TTL=53 Reply from 65.19.143: bytes=32 time=52ms TTL=53 Reply from 65.19.143: bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=53


    pinging ns2.heliohost.org actually gives a better result with a rount trip time averaging 51ms.

  6. @Sagararl http://sagararyal.uni.me is showing up for me on school computers which are refreshed on reboot. Have you tried clearing your cache and doing a hard reload to make sure you get the most currently available version of your site?



    However no-one seems to recognize the problems with stevie.


    I've been able to tinker around all I want without downtime issues, if there were issues with Stevie's DNS I apparently managed to sleep through them even though I only slept a couple hours.

  7. Ok, this is my translation, which by all means could be even more broken, I am sooo rusty in C#, thanks for that realization lol. Also I've 0 xp with ASP so I had to do some light reading really fast there. If someone else wants to make something that for-sure works they can have at it.


    Although, since you already redid it with PHP you probably noticed how much easier (and fun) PHP is :D.

  8. If you use actual &--#60;button&--#62;s or &--#60;input type="image"&--#62;s you can have PHP, Perl, or what-have-you take note of the current page requested and change the button image corresponding to it to a solid color different then the rest. As for the usual &--#60;a&--#62; navbar I think you covered the possibilities, though the biggest clue would be to just leave out the current page in the navbar, which a server-side script could help you do as well, or you could make a different navbar for each page omitting the current page in the list.

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