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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. Currently both servers are down so..


    Did you get this error from phpMyAdmin or from your own script.


    EDIT: Well, over half an hour later Stevie's up but unresponsive far as I can tell, and Johnny's still down. I'm assuming your error was from the service brownout and going to sleep.


    Sorry I can't help you more, but an admin should be around soon to fix both servers.

  2. If you have access to the remote form set the action to the PHP script responsible for processing it on here without cURL.


    If not just tell your script to sleep before rerunning the loop, this will give the server a chance to complete the processing and hopefully prevent the script from recursively chomping more and more system resources.


    Better yet drop the loop count to something more reasonable.

  3. So weird. The error seems widespread and there is no single fix. Some people say it's a misconfiguration in php.ini, others sendmail.ini, still some say that PHP isn't sending From: headers and that's the cause. There was a topic on this on the cPanel boards but that issue affected all users on a server, so I doubt it applies here since Byron and I had our test scripts work.

  4. Some general advices that I can give you are: - remember to close every cURL handle after not using it anymore to free up server resources;


    He's trying to be efficient and using the same handle, my guess is he might actually be bottlenecking it by doing so, eg his next loop is being processed using the same handle as the previous before it, the previous instance, has had a chance to finish.


    If he explains what he's trying to do perhaps there might be a better solution, but making the process sleep before restarting is probably best at the moment.

  5. Yes, if you don't login to cPanel through cpanel.bdsdevel2.heliohost.org or bdsdevel2.heliohost.org/cpanel or johnny/stevie.heliohost.org:2082 your site is considered inactive. We only track cPanel logins, not your site's actual activity. You can make calendar reminders or automate a login every few weeks if your particularly savvy, but somehow you have to remember to log in to avoid service interruption.

  6. Windows XP? A computer that is unusable with that is made with 13 megabytes of RAM and a cardboard CPU o_O. My first laptop in 2006 was a simple little thing with ~248/256 Megs of usable RAM and I think 1 Ghz processor and ran XP like a beast, even when running programs it wasn't recommended for. currently my Windows 7 tablet with 4 gigs constantly gripes that i'm running stuff with <1 gig RAM remaining but it outperforms every other tablet on the market.

  7. Strange, tried every permutation of stein from mildly drowsy to "what did I do last night" and got nothing.. admins will have to scratch heads on this one.


    Keep in mind I have no access to the dbes or anything, my guesses were:


    a ) you were tired when you registered


    b ) you were stoned


    c ) you were on johnny which is currently down.


    d ) you found some inexplicable glitch

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