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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. I think you're exaggerating a bit, I saw Stevie was down for a bit earlier but not all day. The server load was also a bit high for Stevie at ~15%, but that's still acceptable, it was probably just a couple accounts causing mischief. server load as of right now is <8% so things should be running fine for you now.

  2. other things, eg murder, theft, incest, etc, are things that all cultures have condemned at all times, as you'd predict from beings able to empathise with each other, and which live in communal groups.


    That's not quite true, there have been many cultures throughout history that have encouraged murder and theft as a means of survival and as religious belief. Incest was actually encouraged in monarchies such as England and France; the thought was if you married another country's royal family it would be easier to talk peace and assimilate kingdoms, but if you married and procreated from within the same royal family your child's blood would be 'purer' and would be more adept at ruling over the kingdom.

  3. So I was just wondering how we're going to handle that, I looked at the Java Requests forum pages 3 and 4 and found a few pages with just a simple hello world or other one-line output, Tomcat 404's, and some Suspended and deleted pages. Are you guys going to set an inactivity period for disabling JAVA or something? I think after 1/4th of a year passes if there's no usage of JAVA on an account that has it enabled then there's slim chance it'll ever be functional and should be disabled to give Johnny a better chance at running without issues.


    I assume deleted accounts don't affect anything since they're no longer on the server, but the experimental JSP's that haven't been used in a while are sitting there using extra CPU cycles having a JVM running. This doesn't affect me at all as I'm not on Johnny, but Johnny's recent fall caused a lot of pandemonium amongst customers and anything done to further manage risks would probably be a good idea.

  4. You can't login to your cPanel currently because Johnny is offline, try logging in when this doesn't say [down] http://www.heliohost...rver_load_j.gif


    like now.


    Before posting check your website's homepage, if it show's an account suspended page then post on here, if it takes a long time to load or doesn't load at all then Johnny is down and you'll have to wait for it to come back up. Whilst your hosting server is down the reset password script can't access your account details either so it gives an account suspended response, even though your account is not on suspension.

  5. The good news is that we expect Johnny to back online and fully functional within the next week, and it's a possibility that this corrupt operating system problem has really been the root of all of Johnny's increasing number of mostly inexplicable issues over the past couple months.


    from: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/13628-johnny-news/page__pid__84012?do=findComment&comment=84012


    If you want to migrate to stevie simply post a request for manual account deletion like others have, then signup on stevie and recreate your site from your local files when that account is created.

  6. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/13575-more-johnny-issues/page__pid__83811#entry83811


    1) please be more observant, this has been an issue for a week now


    2) when you are about to be suspended for inactivity the system sends a friendly reminder to the email address on record


    3) it's your responsibility to take backups, login to cpanel, make sure no inappropriate material is present on your site on a regular basis.

  7. You're more than free to believe in Allah as the Creator and express your thoughts, but do respect others and don't cram it down our throats with so many caps and text formatting. Personally I believe every deity or god is just a mere aspect of one being and none in themselves are -the- Creator, but that's just me.

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