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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. For information on how to copy a folder's contents to another I suggest taking a stroll through the interwebs looking for sites about console commands, they're great reads that will help you simplify mundane tasks on any machine.


    News articles are also good reads.


    If your account is located on johnny you can reach your cPanel by using this link since the server is online and fully functional. We apologize for any inconvenience this unexpected downtime has caused you.
  2. If you really only have static pages my guess is you're storing them in your db and the db connections you create aren't doing much to hinder SQL Injection.


    Your guest book, the commenting system you use, may be vulnerable to SQL injection or XSS as well.


    These are just wild guesses but from the site redirection and index defacement you talked about in an old post they're what i'm betting my money on.

  3. <p>Basically:</p>


    <li>Drop source into /cgi-bin</li>

    <li>Set up a cron command to compile it into a .cgi: <br />

    <pre style="font-family: monospace, 'Courier New'; padding: 1em; border: 1px dashed rgb(47, 111, 171); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(249, 249, 249); line-height: 1.3em; font-size: 13px;">

    gcc /home/user/public_html/cgi-bin/mysourcefile.c -o /home/user/public_html/cgi-bin/outputfile.cgi</pre>


    <li>Make sure the cron command is set to run sometime after you create it</li>

    <li>Add the cron job</li>

    <li>Let the cron run</li>

    <li>Enjoy your C/C++ cgi</li>



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  4. Actually check the new account daemon, I think it might just be a preconfiguration. I originally had 0/0 addon/parked domains however at some point I logged in and it was set to 0/infinity. I never brought it up because by the time I felt like adding parked domains it had already resolved itself.

  5. I dont want my site down because of overload on your servers


    A legitimate site should never have to worry about this, unless they have an absolutely massive following.


    even after adding this functionality server downs will be less in future and uptime will increase isnt that


    That's exactly the opposite of what would happen, read my earlier post if you don't understand why.

  6. If you follow the guidelines from Piotr and myself you should be fine. I'm not sure I like the idea of users knowing the load they're causing as that information could be abused by malicious users running daemons and such at just under the noticeable 'you get suspended here' limit, then these same users could get more free domains, free emails, and make multiple accounts to compensate for the throttle.

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