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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. Your ftp client may have triggered a brute-force protection causing the server to reject logins to your account. An admin can check if this is the case, but please close your ftp client in the meantime to avoid compounding the problem.

  2. More specifically, I'd like emails to bob@addonDomain.org to go to a different inbox than jimmy@addonDomain.org, not just to a "catch-all" inbox. Is this what the Email Domain Forwarder would do?


    To continue your example: when you use cPanel to create new email accounts for Bob and Jimmy on yourdomain.org they'll have totally separate inboxes. After account creation tell Bob to visit webmail.yourdomain.org to see his inbox and use as he chooses using the credentials [user: bob@yourdomain.org | pass: the_pass_you_used_to_set_up_bob's_account] and do similarly with jimmy@yourdomain.org. Bob and Jimmy won't see each others email unless someone carbon copies an email to both.

  3. Could you pastebin your source or something? those errors don't really give us anything to work with.


    My guess is since it's not specifying a line number ir anything it's permissions, malformed http header or wrong line endings. Or some other sort of configuration issue.

  4. For FTP the server you use in a client is the domain name of your site and user accounts that you create take the form of an email address: user@yoursite.com; whether you're on Johnny or Stevie is irrelevant and you can't change which server is hosting your site through cPanel.

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