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Posts posted by Shinryuu

  1. The reason is the lack of load stats. I know you can provide us with it if we ask you, but I think it would be a lot easier if we could just see the current load ourselves, tweak a little, check back an hour later and so on.


    Though last time I heard something about that someone said they were turned off due to they increasing the load on the server (?).


    There's also this: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/14179-answered-site-load-information/

  2. Maybe it would help if you actually told them, when unsuspending them, that if this happens too often (or something not so harsh), then you will suspend them for a longer period of time.


    When they're resuspended for the same reason, high load, excessive mail, etc, we tell them it's their last chance to get their act together. I think for some people after they get their wrist slap the first time they do whatever and when suspended again they post and don't bother checking back since hey, last time it was no big thing.

  3. Would using a cronjob to hit the site link to run the script every minute as an alternative to figuring out how to keep the script running for more than an hour be bad for some reason?


    cronjobs put a high load on servers, we limit them to 2/user/day. Because of that same reason setcronjob.com only allows 50 jobs/user/day before you need to pay up. To call the script every minute would be 60*24=1440 uses, which is covered by their $10/yr plan.

  4. cPanel doesn't officially support two users for one cPanel account.


    Why would you need this, it's not like you both need to be tinkering with cpanel at the same time. FTP is all you need to upload files, so a separate FTP account for each of you and the shared cPanel account would be enough to manage your site. If you care to know who makes what changes in cPanel and when just make a shared log between you two.

  5. There was a user running a forum that got overloaded with bots, he had i believe 2200 posts and 1700 'users' without being in danger of running out of space; he did get suspended though, those bots spamming new accounts pushed the site over the 50-email/day limit.


    Anyways, point is, your site can get large without running into problems, just ask your members to post images off-site on Photobucket or some other free service. If your site really gets that large you can tell your CMS to delete posts older than such and such time. 500 MB really is more than you think.

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