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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Hotmail thinks it's spam. djbob has already filled out the form once a few weeks ago. He'll have to look into it when he gets back online.
  2. No, am not using heliohost's address. I am using personal "yahoo" mail for this. It doesn't matter what the From: address is. What matters is the email headers and they will always show heliohost.
  3. Yes Heliohost supports the php mail function and yes that is the correct path. The rest you'll have to wait for djbob or somedody else who is more knowledgeable about SMTP to answer your other questions.
  4. It takes about 24 hrs after you register for your site to come up. btw, your domain will be in lowercase. http://pctech-geek.heliohost.org/
  5. Byron


    This is what the ImageMadick people said about Ghostscript: "ImageMagick uses the Ghostscript delegate program to render PDF." Here is the Ghostscript site. http://www.ghostscript.com/
  6. You would have had to sign up with the co.cc domain for it to be your main domain in your cpanel. But you get the best of both worlds with a parked domain. Let's say co.cc goes down, with it being a parked domain you can still access your site through you heliohost domain.
  7. The only thing you do at the cpanel is add the Parked Domain name and it won't change anything on the name server user panel. Anyway it looks like the changes have taken place cause I'm going to your site: http://gamingpassport.nl and the nameservers are set correctly: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools...mingpassport.nl
  8. You need to wait about 24 hours to login. No, you really need to set the nameservers to: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  9. Our NS Servers are definely up and running. Is this your domain? www.artza.org.il Is it the domain you signed up with or is it a parked domain your trying to add?
  10. Your welcome. Glad you got your site up and working.
  11. You'll have to wait for the adminstrator to post back to you. I think he is in the process of coming back from vacation. Just try and be patient.
  12. Great! Sounds like your all set to go then.
  13. Don't steal my bit. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
  14. Byron


    Your still going to need Ghostscript for php too. Hopefully djbob will read this thread and post back to you.
  15. I get a 403 forbidden on this image here: http://turok-zone.co.cc/admin/setup/public/images/logo.png Do you have your site set up for HotLink protection on your images? If so you have to set it up for both the heliohost and the co.cc domains. Go to your cpanel "Parked Domains" and make sure it's not set up for redirection.
  16. I just went to my uni.cc domain and ALL of my images came up just fine. Could you post your co.cc domain so somebody else can see the results?
  17. Google's great for finding scripts. Found this one on Google. Just open up the zip file below on your site and follow the install.txt instructions. http://www.php-learn-it.com/php_scripts/de...iend_script.zip
  18. Please read this about register_globals. btw, it's OFF by default.
  19. Byron


    I did a Google search on converting pdf files and according to the ImageMagick folks you need Ghostscript and I don't think we have that. http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-serve...;hilit=cmyk+pdf You could make a request for it and see what djbob says.
  20. I really can't say why your images aren't showing on your co.cc domain but if everything is working well on the heliohost domain than I would have to guess it is a problem with co.cc. Yes, that is correct.
  21. Byron


    Did you try a pdf file with my php code to see if the server is converting pdfs? Would it be that much of a problem to use php if the code works?
  22. Your correct on the name servers. What is your co.cc domain name? Do you have it set up as a Parked Domain at your cPanel and do you have it set so that it does NOT redirect?
  23. Byron


    I don't have a pdf file to try so I can't say this works for sure. Try using the Imagick Class. <?php $thumb = new Imagick("your_image.pdf"); $thumb->thumbnailimage(200, 200, TRUE); $thumb->setformat("gif"); $thumb->writeimage("thumb_nail.gif"); ?> Keeping it TRUE will produce a thumb that is proportional. Removing TRUE will force height and width.
  24. I'm not sure why only one is showing alive but the way it works is if ns1 goes down then it chooses ns2 and you definetly need to use both. Mine has two fields for name servers (NS) and that's why I think it best for you to contact your name server provider and ask them. You can do a Name Server (NS) Lookup on your domain name with this tool and see where it's pointing now. http://www.kloth.net/services/nslookup.php enter: gamingpassport.nl
  25. You need to use both name servers. ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org Contact your name server provider and ask them how to correctly set the name servers to heliohost because I'm not familiar with them. And your right it will take a day or two for the propagation to take effect.
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