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Everything posted by Byron

  1. This isn't the index page. It's on new accounts and it's what should be the default Ahoy page. It still needs fixing. @jagzjagz: It should disappear as soon as your site becomes active. If not then clear your cache.
  2. Still some hack stuff remaining. This may not show this by the time djbob see's it http://dallas.heliohost.org/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi returns: A3q was here ... A3q [ at ] att [ . ] net
  3. Okay your domain name is now: absolutelygrim.heliohost.org Give it 24 hours to resolve.
  4. Byron

    Unable to log in

    Your account has become inactive. Try renewing here and then use your old password: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php Make sure you login to your cpanel every 30 days.
  5. Happy Birthday Wizard!
  6. Due to heliohost being charged for dedicated ips, we are now having to charge $12 dollars a year for them. Do you still wish to have a dedicated ip?
  7. Sorry about the delay. djbob is still working on it. Check this thread to find out when it's resolved: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...4&st=0&
  8. Okay your domain name is now: paulbechthold.info Give it 24 hours to resolve.
  9. It's already installed on the server Stevie.
  10. Seems django is down on Johnny. http://area51.heliohost.org/djangotest/
  11. Byron

    SSL error

    You need a dedicated ip for SSL which costs $12.00 a year.
  12. Your not doing anything wrong. It's a problem with the signup script. Try again tomorrow and it should be fine.
  13. I'm still seeing the suspended page no matter what I try to do. Escalating...
  14. We're working on it. Please refer to this thread: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...ic=8858&hl=
  15. Are you sure it's getting deleted? If it is for sure getting deleted then it sounds like you may have a cron job running a script somewhere. Check your home directory for scripts and check your cron jobs.
  16. Go to your cpanel and look for "Parked Domains" and add this without redirection. udaan.co.cc You may have to wait an additional 24 hours before it will work.
  17. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  18. File permissions for all php files should be 644.
  19. @jje: We were both checking this at the same time. I've reactivated his site through the activation link. That's the way djbob wants us to activate inactive accounts. Anyway if I remember correctly his last login showed 2-22-2011, although I could be wrong. I'm not going to de-escalate this, I'll leave that up to you.
  20. His file is inside his cgi-bin. If his file permissions are correct and cgi/perl is working on johnny he may have this problem? http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...ic=6787&hl=
  21. Lots of other files there too - looks like FrontPage 2003 work to me. Looks like..... a form? 15 files in vti_pvt! All those look like the normal frontpage files to me. The reason we are seeing the hack page on our site is because it's replacing the queued page instead.
  22. Is every file replaced with the same thing?
  23. As far as I know nobody has lost any data. The last time we were hacked nobody had lost any files.
  24. Well what we can see is done, but let's hope he's truly done crawling around on the new server and doesn't decide to try it again. If he happens to tell you what the flaw was, and I doubt he will, please let us know. But since the server has only been up for a few days it might just be that djbob hasn't added the extra security that stevie has.
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