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  1. // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** // /** The name of the database for WordPress */ define('DB_NAME', 'harnes8_wp65'); /** MySQL database username */ define('DB_USER', 'harnes8_wp65'); /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', '51vb2PsvSx'); /** MySQL hostname */ define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */ define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); /** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */ define('DB_COLLATE', ''); this is what wp-config says. has something altered? I'm a newbie, I can't tell it loaded for me too when u said it did for you too, but now it's gone again hehe and in chrome it doesn't load at all. dunno, something's maybe wrong with my pc. my filezilla doesn't connect either, although I didn't mess with its set-up. thank you very much jje. u can shut this down now. file me under weird and unexplained (and totally clueless) hehe
  2. harnes8 database: harnes8_wp65
  3. I get the first when I try to open my Wordpress in Google Chrome. This when I try to open my webpage. And this when I try to open it with Explorer. Early this morning it worked for a bit, but now it's the same again. I forwarded the correct name servers in co.cc and it was working till now. Dunno maybe there's a problem with them? Since I'm flying solo on this, maybe it's something on my pc? Thanks for all your help.
  4. it seems to be semi-working with explorer. my page opens up but in only one instance, if I open a part of it in another window it doesn't load. google chrome and firefox pop the same database error message. is johnny ok? should I be singing sandra's 'johnny wanna live' instead? hehe
  5. hey guys, woke up in the morning (I'm not singing Ke$ha) and your site wouldn't load at all. my page was showing this error 'Error establishing a database connection'. A few minutes ago, the site came back and cpanel works and although my files are intact since I had zero access to them and couldn't have altered them, I still get the database error when I try to load my page. my account name is harnes8 and my page is www.cinesthesia.co.cc. thank u in advance ok it works fine now, sorry to bother u hehe
  6. thank u both very much it works now. Snippy says hi too
  7. Are u fixing something fellas? I am getting this "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in /home/harnes8/public_html/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 497" whenever I try to do anything in my Wordpress, even log into it. It was working quite fine today, till now Is it something buggy on my side or is Johnny getting serviced again? hehe (naughty). I am really appreciative of your fast responses to problems. Thank u very much for ur all your hard work... and here comes Zippy, the easily-suprised ninja to bid you farewell...
  8. yeah mine too, after the iranian thing now this. it has replaced my cpanel. oh well.
  9. yes, softaculous has index in its add and is affected. we need it to get our wordpress and joomla back, fix it plox. thank you
  10. hey Jon, the same thing happened to me 15 minutes ago. It was my first try at a website and got my joomla up and was working on it for 3 days now. Now I'm really annoyed and quite sad I don't think it had to do with the strength of our passes. I even had difficulty logging in helio's forum and
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