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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Don't use the redirect option at your Parked Domains from your cpanel. Remove the redirection and it will work like you want. Make sure to point your domain to our nameservers which are: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  2. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  3. Make sure the signup limit hasn't been reached and try again. If you still can't register, post back with the error.
  4. Let me find out the details from the admin. who suspended your account and I'll get back with you.
  5. Reason for suspension: Using 684 MB of 500 MB limit. Remove some of your stuff so your account doesn't get suspended again. Ok I've unsuspended your account.
  6. The reason the admin. gave for suspending your account was because of Malware.
  7. Ok I'll give you one more chance. I've deleted your account. Go ahead and create a new account. You might want to change your username in the process. You'll only get one suspension with this new account though.
  8. Does this account belong to you? kraftykrochet.com
  9. What's your old domain name and your new domain name?
  10. I unsuspended his account because he promised to fix it. I don't know if pictures of sex toys, as long as they're not demonstrated in use, is really pornographic. Let me check with the other admin. and see what they think.
  11. Ok I've unsuspended your account. Keep your emails below 50 per day.
  12. Your site was suspended because you broke the TOS. http://wiki.helionet.org/Terms
  13. Each time you go over usage your site is suspended and shut down completely until you make a post requesting to have it unsuspended. Like was previously said, 3 times and your permanently suspended.
  14. @cl58; Your right, it's fixed. It was fixed earlier by another admin. through PM.
  15. I think some DJango still works on Stevie? You'll just have to try it and see.
  16. This issue should be fixed as soon as djbob has the time to look at this.
  17. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. @administrators: Does anybody know how to reset his brute force attempt problem?
  18. darkskyline.tk should be parked on top of jk.heliohost.org now. Give it 24 hours to resolve.
  19. I'm sorry but it looks like your account was deleted because you failed to login every 30 days. Feel free to create a new account if you like.
  20. Add your top level domain as a Parked Domain from cPanel. Then use NS Records at your top level domain manager and set it to: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  21. Reason for second suspension: "Causing high server load. Second suspension for same issue." http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/11977-suspended-scitechtalk/page__view__findpost__p__78911 Three suspensions and you lose your web site. Ok I've unsuspended your site.
  22. You need to be on the Johnny server to use ASP.NET
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