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Everything posted by Byron

  1. When creating a password protected directory you first check the check box that says, "Password protect this directory." Then "Name the protected directory" and click "Save". Then you go back and add a user and password and click "Add/modify authorized user". That should protect the directory. If it's still not protected, look inside the .htaccess file of the protected directory and see if any of the code got added.
  2. Your account was suspended for sending too many emails. 3 suspensions and you lose your account. Ok I've unsuspended your account.
  3. Have you disabled FrontPage Extensions from your cPanel? Also there are 2 steps to create a password protected directory. Did you complete both steps?
  4. Your account was suspended for high server load. Three suspensions and you lose your site. Ok I've unsuspended your account.
  5. Header information (cookies, redirect headers, headers) have to be sent before any html output. In other words, your cookies go at the top before any html output.
  6. I'm not sure what your problem was but you were suspended (again) for sending too many emails. Once more and you'll be suspended for good. Ok I've unsuspended your account.
  7. You were suspended for high server load - again. One more offence and you'll be suspended for good. Ok I've unsuspended your account.
  8. I just ran this script on my site and it worked fine: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/helio/auto_mysql_backup.txt Make sure you can login manually to your cpanel and then check your login info on your script.
  9. Are you the owner of that site?
  10. I'm sorry but I'm not seeing that username in our database.
  11. I'm sorry but we don't keep any backups od anybody's site. Feel free to create a new account if you like.
  12. You do know that your domain name isn't pointed to our servers? To ftp into your account now, you would use: FTP url: stevie.heliohost.org Username: your username Password: your password
  13. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  14. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  15. Ok you should be able to create another account now.
  16. @juliusg: What is the name of the addon domain your trying to add? I'll go ahead and delete your roots account for you.
  17. Your account was suspended for sending too many emails. I've unsuspended your account but you need to keep the emails down.
  18. Your only allowed one account per person. Sometimes we make exceptions to have an account on each server.
  19. You need a dedicated ip to use SSL. We charge 12 dollars a year.
  20. Give it another 24 hours and then try adding a Parked Domain. Since Johnny hosts Java, ASP.NET, and Ruby, it's not as stable as the server Stevie.
  21. I'm sorry but it looks like that account has been deleted for failure to login every 30 days. Feel free to create a new account if you like.
  22. I'm sorry but it looks like that account has been deleted. I know you say you logged in once a month, but that's the reason it got deleted. We don't keep backups of anybody's data. Go ahead and create a new account if you like.
  23. Byron

    Php Mail()

    Yeah it should be ok as long as you don't send over 50 a day.
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