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Everything posted by Byron

  1. You could do that but your site would be down for another 24 hours. If you want to unpark your domain (ctsinmobiliaria.com), then I can rename your domain for you but it's still going to take 24 to 48 hours to resolve.
  2. Please check this thread: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18427-stevie-mysql-issues/page__st__45
  3. Your account was suspended for sending too many emails. Okay I've unsuspended your account but you need to take care of this so it doesn't happen again.
  4. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  5. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  6. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  7. Your account was suspended and the admin. who suspended it said not to unsuspend or backup.
  8. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  9. Ok try it now. You had 144 FTP connections on Sat Mar 22 09:35:26 PST
  10. As long as you don't delete your account, you can restore your site (files and folders) and it will be up immediately.
  11. You can find the file here: /home/slakken/public_html/slakkenforum.nl/cache/tpl_slakkenforum_ucp_pm_viewmessage_print.html.php
  12. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. As far as the details go, the admin. that usually does that has been ill lately so you might just have to be satisfied with what you already know.
  13. I think the cpanel Redirect manager is working fine. To do what you want requires a little more then the Redirect manager is capable of coding. All the redirect manager does is drop a mod rewrite script into your root .htaccess file. Try posting here in this group with what your wanting to do: http://www.codingforums.com/apache-configuration/
  14. Your account was suspended for the following reason: Malware. 1 file(s). Trojan.PHP.C99Shell FOUND That means that there are some malware files found on your account. For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended. To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information. If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.
  15. It's only been 24 hours. Give it until tomorrow and it it's still not up, post back.
  16. Your account was suspended for the following reason: /home1/elektro8/public_html/wp-content/themes/elektro08/cache/7789d1343de92e0cce2750139e663c73.php That means that there are some malware files found on your account. For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended. To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information. If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.
  17. As long as the search engine only knows of one domain, then I doubt you'll ever have a problem. That being said, I think you should be able to do everything you want from your Redirect manager found at your cPanel: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/mime/redirect.html
  18. Yes you need to wait at least 24 hours after you make any dns changes for them to take effect. Also make sure at your Addon Domains Manager that your pointing your domain to the correct folder.
  19. Don't know what went wrong but you seem to be the only person having this problem. If you like, you can PM me everytime you login for the next few times and I'll check to make sure it shows you've logged in.
  20. Johnny has been slow to release new accounts out of the queue lately. Sometimes as long as 5 days. Just try and be patient.
  21. Are you logging in with the same device each time?
  22. You want to use an Addon Domain. Look for the Addon Domain link at your cpanel.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
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