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Everything posted by phoexer

  1. meriadoc is right, Gone in sixty seconds was better by far, but still F&F wasn't that bad, Two was. Hey how come this wasn't a race movie thread? Instead of beating down on F&F you guys could have told us which you liked most.
  2. You're right, it is scary. so one collision started life and another wiped out the dinosours. <Do i sence some irony to this?>
  3. I seriously hate that about religions. I guess thats what drove me away from church, I never used to get how the same peole who come preching love and peice can be SO intorrelent. Its like all they want to say is God loves you, as long as you come to our church! I think they should serve alcohol in church, cuz after four or five drinks no one cares which church you go to.
  4. Dont be too sure of that fact. I'm pretty sure you've witnessed it and more than once. Heck i may be so bold as to say you MAY, note i said may, have been the subject of hypnosis. The most common type of hypnosis is mass hypnosis where an individual or group of individuals influence the behaviour of crowd using common longings or views. Hitler did this successfuly, even going so far as to convince children to sell out their parents. Some religious sects use it, thus explaining fanatical behaviour of their followers. Mob thinking is another area i.e ever wondered how riots get out of control? Normal resonable people just go crazy. Hence the theory: How? Well some use charisma, the ability to empathise with the crowd, other use a combination of music, rythmic beats that speek directly to your subconsious hence you by the music or message and you WANT to do something even if its something you would never do normally. Hell, there are so many instances in history that i think its defficult NOT to believe. But then again thats just my view. There are other view and i may be wrong.
  5. 3. Coffee and asprin! if you've ever had a dead line looming with a half done project you'll know what i mean. Nemui desu ne!
  6. Hey JcX, my first line was, and i quote. Sure, go ahead and hang me for using it as my choice.
  7. i have some doubts as to wether css qualifies as a programming lang but in my view it is the most universal on the list. correct me if i'm wrong but most browsers come supporting it, hence there's no need for extra plugins to get it to work. I dont know about there but around here people are WAY to ignorant, lazy, or scared to get the toppings. But then again i might be wrong
  8. Ok, i think i'm guilty of a couple of those.
  9. Here's the question. Does anyone know whether you can install a custom OS on an Ipod. like change the software to something you developed personally i.e no apple software on the interface. I have an Ipod nano and am really into tinkering so if it's possible or you've done it before let me know. PS: i googled, aside from getting a headache from dodging the sites of people trying to sell me something, i got nothing
  10. The new one is two years old, the old one is like eight years old,
  11. C/C++ but i'm moving on to Java. I make games and anything that will either sell or make my life easier.
  12. Ok, Here it is. What do you think are the 7 best wonders/programs/hardware developments/etc you name it, any aspect of or related to programming since the cavemen started counting sheep? Free leeway here guys, you can list ANYTHING related to programming, eg the best software developed. My list is still compiling but the top two are 1) The Internet 2) Open Source Idea
  13. it was a 2D buble-dinosor-monster-thing game that i dont even remember the name to. it had seriously TERRIBLE graphics this anoying beep beep beep for sound, and took up an UNGODLY amount of processor speed. it had to be a marvel of bad programming, how could something so small criple my PC (2.6GHz, 524MB).
  14. Sorry, I'm a adept sony fan. PLAY STATION 2/3 RULES! PC comes a VERY close second!
  15. i saw four out of five, First two were the best, I was in the habit of reading the books first then watching the movies. i dont do that anymore, i just read.
  16. You guys are too negative! it wasn't that bad.
  17. Aaaah! So thats why i didn't get the job!
  18. Top notch, very funny jokes
  19. phoexer


    Its ok
  20. Voodoo? Where do you get this book? i want it badly
  21. Got me good. 5 thumbs up.
  22. Toyota Mark II, white with bad shocks Go over 120Km/h it bounces like a lowe rider.
  23. Thanx i'll take a look and get back to you
  24. Ok First let me say i've googled this but didn't get anything satisfactory. I'm a bit isolated from most of the people i meet on the Net but i want to get involved in large scale development project for example like building a seriously huge game or OS or ANYTHING! I just want to program! Do you guys Know any groups, teams etc that recruit and work mostly online. Cuz as i said, i'm isolated. If you dont, anyone interested in starting such a group? By the way my base language in C/C++, I know Java and am ashamed to admit i'm very good at VB, i barely pass on the Web Dev side of things with scripting language being PHP.
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