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Everything posted by phoexer

  1. Hmm, Linux anyone?
  2. Well now that i know the general demographics of this forum i kinda feel bad. Dude, we're teaching kids how to bomb! LOL Okay guys, anyone under 18, do know listen to what we're saying, do not try this! Anyone 18 and over, YOU WILL GET ARRESTED if you try this!! feels like I'm doing one of those ads for wrestling.
  3. I agree but when it comes down to it we are humans first environmentallists second. Granted we could all benefit from living greener lives but if the cost of that greener life should not trespasses on the quality of life.
  4. Dont mind me, its a real touchy issue at the moment. The gvt introduced a law (electronic interception act) or something like that, which states that it has the right to monitor any and all forms of electronic communication where there is "reasonable suspision" that illegal activities are occuring. So forget torrrents these guys are listening to cellphone calls and emails. Here's the kicker, the burden is on service providers to provide the means for them to listen. So your isp not only gives you internet, it gives them everything you do as well. Here's the best part, in the US you can not legally listen in or monitor anyone with out a warrent right? and you can only get one of those from a judge. Here its legal if either the chief of police, director of intelligence or someone that high up says go. Translation, they can now do it and there is nothing you can do(LEGALLY). So what do i do? For normal communication nothing, let them look. for stuff i dont want them to see, i'm a programmer, encryption comes easy.
  5. You forgot to mention that the centre had stopped moving because of the "heros" and their experiments.
  6. Where can i get it?
  7. yes it would appear i'm following you. Maybe we have the same interests or i'm seriously bored. Jumper: Did not live up to the hype they built for it. It was dull and unimaginative and i was amazed that Samuel L Jackson actually agreed to have anything to do with it! The storyline has potential but they just bolcthed it up. There's no english way to say this but "Inomara kuona" Literal translation would be it scratches your eyes to see.
  8. Funny seems like i'm following you around a lot.
  9. Wow Doctor Phil, you are actually trying to figure this out huh? How's that working for you?
  10. Everyone is a teenager!!? Sungazer, we're too old for this forum! I'm 22, i'm doing a degree in Computer Science majoring in Software Development, right now i'm on industrial attachment at a cellphone company and i am the major shareholder and founder (and currently only employee; sad isn't it?) of a software consultancy firm ety interactive. i like: 1)games: GTA forever! 2)programming: Pretty good dont like: 1)Work! 2)My home country
  11. I wish! Actually the buddy was for you, it's an invite. Dont worry we'll do some renovations. Hey Sungazer i'm bringing a mallet, a drill and a case of plastic explosive. I have no former renovation skills but hey, how hard can it be? So who else still believes the world is ending? *takes out a gun and waits for the next person to raise his hand.*
  12. Hey Buddy, we're having a braai on the 21st of December 2012, wanna come? By the way, the mayan calender doesn't end in 2012, it's reaching its max possible value, like what happens to an odometer when you move past it max possible value(like my car), it resets back to zero. Same concept. Consider this when thinking, the Mayans used a TOTALLY DIFFERENT numbering system and way of thinking. That date is just when the cycle "resets" as in starts all over again. In other words: We aint going no where!
  13. Right, The world is ending, again? wasn't it supposed to end at the turn of the millenium, ie 2000? or is it 194something when a bunch of crazies committed mass suicide? Or 2004 or ... see where i'm going with this? So on the day i guess I'll have a BBQ with Sungazer in his front yard. Might as well make it an event. lol
  14. Hey look at that, you just used an oxymoron: "human intelligence" I agree that we treat the earth badly and we could change for the better but when it comes down to the wire and i'm asked that between the planet or the human race which i would prefer to survive? I choose the planet the human race.
  15. Not sure either, But i am sure that in correct propotions it goes BOOOOOOOOOOM
  16. Oh, now i get it. i feel like an idiot now. Speaking of magnets would it really be as bad if the core stopped moving? like what would be worse? A rock from space or the center going stationary?
  17. I have no doubt that the theory is understandable. but i having enough trouble learning Japanese Kana. Ok your explanation is pretty good, makes it clear(er) sort off. i'm still trying to understand though. But i think you're right about the 10th being like god but... ah forget it. brain overload. I'm going to sit this one out.
  18. Good luck with that. it's more of a head trip than the law of attraction.
  19. Saw it, looks interesting. But my mind cant quite get it. i'm get back to you when/if i can understand it.
  20. Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, Male, there are usualy two reasons why a guy has loyalty to a site. 1>Service 2>Females. Well, i guess we've just proved the service here is extremely good.
  21. hajimemashite watashi wa Phoexer desu ne Watashi wa Nihonjin dewa arimasen douzo yoroushiko onegai shimasu i'm 21, i'm a freelance programmer and started my company early this year (CALL ME AND WE'LL DO BUSINESS!!!) I'm single as in "not married", but i have a girlfriend and it feels like "i'm married". As you may have noticed i speak english(a lot), french(a little), japanese(more than french), Shona (native tongue) and Ndebele(just saying hello). I'm into video games, anime, and programming and Kararte (although i suck at most of the aforementioned activities!) feel free to say hie. I'm aways on the look out for new pal and languages i can rip off them. Application:-> C++, JAVA, and VB. Web:-> PHP
  22. Chemistry? lets see if i still know, get pool chlorine, undiluted orange juice, a bottle and cork stopper. 1 pour in the chlorine. 2 go out side 3 pour in the mazoe (Orange juice) ... and extremly fast cork the bottle tight. You might want to throw the thing fast, take cover, or hold it close to your head like an idiot. Either way works for me, as long as i'm not the one holding it. have fun PS: use a plastic bottle,
  23. i beg to differ, in my view there has never been a specis with more resourcefulness, detemination and unwillingness to die gracefully than the human animal. i believe we will waste this planet, turn it into a useless heep of junk then stuff ourselves into rockets and find another planet. As far as evolution goes, we're at the top of the pyramid, we aint going no where!
  24. Advantages? Like what? I think that this is a touchy subject and your views vary depending on where you are. For instance, US ppl are invariably outraged! its a violation of your rights, free speach, free drinks and all that jazz. I envie you, you get told thats happening, like someone actually has the gull to expose it and the gvt can NOT take action on them. However for some of us with out the luxury of freedom, hearing something like that just means that you keep your opinion to yourself and change the protocols. Gvts shouldn't monitor us, but they do. They shouldn't attack their own citizens, but they do. They shouldn't maim, blind or kill us, (yes you guessed it!) But they do. They question isn't whether they should monitor p2p sharing, they already do that. Its wrong, they know that and made a conscience choice to do it anyway! The question is what should WE do about it? If you're in the US write an email to congress, its your right. If you are else where, keep it to yourself. They first to write usually gets his hands chopped off.(Trust me, There's no LOL on this topic!)
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