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Everything posted by phoexer

  1. No wonder the man was a genious! I once tried to sample as many religions as i could, didn't get that far, My friends and family are cool with me as a not-going-to-church person but the moment they think you are leaving christianity, whoa! they were on me like white on rice.
  2. Nah, breeding is a job Reproduction is for fun. LOL Sorry, its just that breeding is a really bad way of putting it. it makes us sound like farm animals, and there the fact that it doesn't quite "feel right" Dictionary wise it may fit the discription but normal speach it doesn't quite cover both types of reproduction i.e. sexual and asexual, at least in my view.
  3. 8.(most important) Be able to reproduce (Where's the fun of life if you cant?)
  4. Islam is misunderstood, i have quite a number of friends who are Islamic, they are plain normal like me, we laugh at the same jokes, like the same things. i think Islam got the raw end of the stick with the terrorist thing. Still i would want to be one, i love my freedom TOO MUCH, to loose it to a set of SELF IMPOSSED RULES!
  5. A master piece of a movie! my point is isn't it possible sor some form of life to develop on that Cuz the way i see it, we human define life as anything which has some resemblence to us ( i'm using the word resemblence VERY loosley) Where is it written in the universal laws that all life MUST be carbon based and/or consiousness requires a physical host such as a mind/brain/rabbit you name it. I think we know a bit too little about this universe to be making such bold statements.
  6. But how much basis in reality do you think it has. The problem lies in the fact that you cant physically prove or disprove it. I mean how exactly do you determine whether you're alone in the universe and if it's valid then every effort you make to check it will lead you to where you "want" to believe for instance if i want to belive its false then the world will shape as such. Anyway, how on earth did you find it?
  7. i can relate I think i look evil or something. On average i get preached to like once a week, for real! like some one comes out of no where, i have never seen them before and they hand me a pamplet and start: the easiest way i have found to get them off me is to say: "Yes i am also a christian! Why dont YOU come to MY church," Ramble on for like a minute on how so much better your church is, the bright one will leave you alone. But the dull ones, ah, they are a problem. Second method say you practise Islam, dont know why but they leave you alone around here if you say that.
  8. Yes Sensei I will strive to use this power for good, i will rid this world of all evil things, evil people will suddenly dies of mysterious heart attacks, i will abolish oppretion, hatred and suffering. Then all of man kind will unite together more powerful and eternally in my debt, then I WILL RULE THE WORLD! On a more serious note if this world is all based on the viewers perception of reality that does bring about one question, where is every one else? Like if eveything is part of my conscienceness then does that mean that i'm the only entity in the universe? Sorry its a solid theory, in a way, i can relate. Like from my point of view the only realness is near me, "out of sight out of mind" and all that, but i just cant shake this feeling that the theory it's a bit (for lack of better wording) selfish, arrogant (still cant find the word) Or am i going crazy thinking about it?
  9. Change or perish. Age old story, those that cant adapt to their environment die out. the only exception is Humans apparently.
  10. Question: Scientists keep saying that life is only possible between a certain range of values. like if the earth spun faster we wouldn't be here. I would think that seeing how living things have an adaptabilty rate thats phenominal they could theoretically adapt, evolve, you name it to suit where ever they are. Get my logic? Like if the earth spun faster then a totally different type of life form evolves. I hope i was clear enough,
  11. Now i remember where i got that theory, ok here it comes. Promise not to laugh! The inspiration for the theory is Wait for it! Wait for it! Armagedon: starring Bruce Willis, Ben Afflick and Liv Taylor Ratings: 10/10 Bloody Good movie! I dont think i got the wording correct but you get the idea. PS: This is not a scientifically proven but it makes a hell of a plot for a movie! PSS:If you haven't watched it, go rent it NOW! What are you still reading this for? GET OUT!!!!!
  12. Clue me in will you, only saw one ending whats the other like?
  13. Hats off, *Gets on knees bowing to sungazer* i started reading this, had to stop like three times cuz i was laughing so hard. Ouch, my chest hurts you'd better be paying my medical bills. Man where on EARTH did you find this? Ultimate respect.
  14. Speak for your self i found the second part hilarious! Especially his frustration towards the end trying to delete free will. two thunbs and a toe up! [bleeped!] good joke.
  15. nokia n95
  16. Flash, i know enough not to look like a total idiot but i'm no where near good enough. Another one i would like is a tut on how you make like 3D animation, games and all of that.
  17. depending on where i am i use both IE and FF at work, or in a cafe it's IE at home it's FF By the way FF is the best, where's the competition?
  18. i went through the LOA whoa, pretty deep. So according to it my consiousness is the only one in existance and you all are part of me. well from a relative point of view i kinda get what it says and it does make some sense. i'm still trying to wrap my mind around the theory though.
  19. Well that sucks! its would have made a better story if a meteor wiped them out. cuz starving to death, thats just not right. By the way, i have absolutley no evidence to back up my earlier claims. None at all! just heard it somewhere so i wont argue as to whether i'm right or wrong.
  20. I'm with you on that. hypnosis does not grant etxra physical powers like a lot of people claim. thats a load of bull. i seriously doubt you'd kill yourself over a song too, although you have to admit that music can alter moods, and makes you more willing to do a particular thing or changes your views on things. for example i always listen to "T.I.: Do it" before programming and it always puts me in the zone. I think those people who did commit suicide after listening to the song were on the verge of doing it anyway. The song was just the straw that broke the camel's back. *hey you're right, it is leaning towards psychology **sorry, i dont know that much about the Law of attraction and am holding back my comments untill i catch up.
  21. 1225 Might as well
  22. Tupac Shakur, wow what a nostalgic name. Arguably one of the best artists of any generation in the genre, one of the few artists who could cross their genre to pull in supporters across all plains. He truely is was a giant amoung ants and no matter how great those that come after him may get, there will never be another Tupac. A line of silence for the great man. My thoughts on his death. The man is dead, no he's not in witness protection, no there isn't a consipiracy theory, no he's not in hawaii with biggy smalls, He's not in Zimbabwe, Argentina, France or any other place on this green earth. he's dead. Dead as a door knob, Dead! Dead as the dinosours, Dead! Dead like the dodo, Dead! Dead like Hitler, Dead! Dead like that guy they burnt on a stake, Dead! If anyone believes he's alive, thats their right. but if you ask me: The man is dead, Get over it!
  23. Dont forget the manequins, the dolls need to be paid too. lol
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