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Everything posted by Tjoene

  1. That username and/or domain is not located on our system. Most likely it was deleted due to inactivity. Feel free to create a new account and restore any backup data you may have, because Heliohost does not keep any backups of your data once your account has been deleted. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have to automatically delete inactive accounts to make room for users who are still active otherwise our servers would soon be overloaded. To prevent this from happening again in the future don't forget to log into your account at least once every 30 days.
  2. Try not to have cPanel and your site open at the same time. This causes the 500-errors. The error should normally go away after 5 min or so.
  3. About the self-driving cars, the technology is already here (google cars). It is only a matter of time before they find the way to the cars.
  4. Your account was suspended for inactivity. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache. -- Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.helionet.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  5. Glad your question got answered! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  6. I can a Hello World JSP page. Try to clear your cache, maybe it a cached site you see.
  7. You need to use "localhost" to connect to MySQL.
  8. You can use this tool to see if the ports are open on your firewall: http://www.yougetsig...ols/open-ports/ Just change the port to 2078 and 2077. If they are blocked, then they could be blocked on your router's firewall. If it is blocked on the windows firewall, try to follow these steps: http://www.sevenforums.com/network-sharing/3214-opening-ports-windows.html
  9. You were suspended for sending to many mails. Keep the emails under 50 per day or you will get suspended again. I've unsuspended your account.
  10. Your account was suspended for sending too many emails. Keep the emails under 50 per day. I've unsuspended your account.
  11. On what server are you? What link do you use to login?
  12. Glad your question got answered! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  13. You just need to go to the location of that php file in your browser.
  14. That's normal. There is a limit on the number of running processes. If that limit is crossed, then your site will show a 500 error. Normally, cPanel and your site open will give you such error.
  15. Your account is inactive. Log into your Heliohost account at least once every 30 days to prevent this from happening again. Use this script to reactivate your account: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew
  16. Your site seems to be working just fine for me. Also your account shows active in the database. Please clear your cache.
  17. This is a problem of the program. The function pommo is using (set_magic_quotes_runtime() ) isn't supported anymore by PHP. The author of the program needs change his code so it doesn't use this function.
  18. Try this: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use DBI; my $host = "localhost"; my $database = "database1"; my $port = 3307; my $tablename = "table1"; my $user = "userName"; my $pw = "pass"; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host;port=$port",$user, $pw) or die "Cannot connect to MySQL server\n"; source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2248665/perl-script-to-connect-to-mysql-server-port-3307
  19. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  20. We are aware of the problem and the admins will fix it as soon as possible.
  21. Glad your question got answered! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
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