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Everything posted by Tjoene

  1. My bad, I looked aommaster up in the database, which didn't give any results. But the actual username was aommaste. Your account was suspended for inactivity. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost...t/scripts/renew. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache.
  2. Your account was suspended for inactivity. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache. -- Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.helionet.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  3. That username and/or domain is not located on our system. Most likely it was deleted due to inactivity. Feel free to create a new account and restore any backup data you may have, because Heliohost does not keep any backups of your data once your account has been deleted. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have to automatically delete inactive accounts to make room for users who are still active otherwise our servers would soon be overloaded. To prevent this from happening again in the future don't forget to log into your account at least once every 30 days.
  4. To create a sub domain, you need go to cPanel and select "subdomains" in the category Domains. Just fill in the fields and cPanel will do the rest. After 24h, your site should be ready to use.
  5. You're account shows as active in the database. Have you tried to clear your cache. Also, have you checked your spam folder for the mails with the new password?
  6. On what server are you? phpMyAdmin seems to working on Stevie.
  7. To change your domain you use this script: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain Just point the NS-records of your new domain to heliohost and use the script. After 24 hours the NS records should have changed and can use your new domain.
  8. If you open the file manager in cPanel, you need to check the "Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)" option to see the .htaccess file.
  9. Your account was suspended for causing high MySQL load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the MySQL load you put on our servers as it slows down MySQL for not only your site, but MySQL for all of the other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  10. I get this when I open the JSP page: Try to clear your cache.
  11. The reason for your suspension was causing a high server load and you were running 5 cron jobs per day. You are only allowed to have 2 per day. I've unsuspended you account, but note that this was the 2nd time. Next time the suspension could be permanent.
  12. Did you try to use a different browser? If you see the same, it is possible that your ISP provider caches websites. It they do, you'll need to wait until they refresh their cache.
  13. What is your username? I can not seems to find an account linked with your domain or your heliohost account. Also, your domain seems to be hosted on an other host (the NS records points to ns1.netfirms.com and ns2.netfirms.com).
  14. JavaScript is a programming language that runs in your browser. Simply put the .js file in your site and use this to include it in the webpage: <script type="text/javascript" src="YOURFILE.js"></script> XML isn't a program language, but a language to store or transfer data between applications.
  15. If you need to have more cron jobs, maybe you could use an external service to do them. E.g. https://www.setcronjob.com/
  16. You could use the phpinfo() function. See: http://php.net/manua...ion.phpinfo.php Simply make a php file and use this code: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  17. You were suspended for sending to many emails, again. Unless you fix the problem or keep your emails under 50 per day, you will be suspended for good, since this is the second time. Your account should be unsuspended now.
  18. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  19. I can't seem to find that site. When I try to lookup the whois info, I get an "not found" error. Do you own that domain? If so, point the NS-records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. After about 24h the records should be changed and you should be able to add the domain to cPanel.
  20. For those who like to make their own site, here is a nice site to help you on the way: http://www.initializr.com/ This site offers you 3 projects, ready to use on any browsers, include mobile browsers. And even one project is loaded with cool features. It also comes with ready to use webconfig files (.httaccess or web.config), a style sheet (CSS or LESS), a 404-page, Chrome framework and Analytics, and much more. With others words, a complete site, ready to use. The first project is called "Classic H5BP". Best way to describe this project is an empty shell. It only has all the the basic CSS and HTML5 code for going on normal and mobile browsers. It just has a basic structure for site. It hasn't got any feature, except it includes the jQeury library. The second is called "Responsive". This is basically the same as the Classic, but is has default template with some text. Also, no additional features except for the jQeury library. The last one is Bootstrap. Bootstrap is loaded with jQeury and CSS features such as an carousel for images, tooltips, collapsing menus, dropdown menus and much more. But the main thing is that it comes with a very detailed documentation. All the features are explained and you get the source code to use them. This is really a pre-made site with a complete layout, where you just need to change the text and your good to go. Edit: if you want a different style for Bootstrap, visit this site: http://bootswatch.com/ Here you can download the CSS files for a different style, without having anything to change to the html code Have fun with it.
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