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Everything posted by Sn1F3rt

  1. I know you're meaning it in an amusing sense. But tell you what sylvain, it may lead to as much objection. This is the same objectionable content we prohibit others to post on a public forum as ours. That's why I say, try introducing an element of censorship when you post here, I mean it's sort of alright but may not be acceptable to anyone. That's cuz, I repeat this is a public forum, for all people from various places. Hope you understand. Regards,
  2. You may be moved in a day or two also.. Purely depends on your donation amount (and to a certain extent luck, I mean your position in the list for the same donation amount ).
  3. Please read this: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36995-tommy-is-back/?do=findComment&comment=164460. Users will be moved back within a week or so, that means you needn't explicitly post for being moved as anyways you were on Tommy.
  4. Oh no! That's really bad news sylvain. So you'll have to again find a sponsor next time you wish to donate. Just to confirm, your account will be moved to Tommy. You'll have sylvain.heliohost.org as your main domain, and files will auto migrate, thanks to the public_html root directory files of cPanel.
  5. Sn1F3rt

    Tommy Is Back!

    Amazing news this morning!
  6. Bumping as request missed out.
  7. Is Tommy down presently? Chrome says that it's IP couldn't be stated.
  8. Okay an admin or a moderator will manually email it to you on your registered email.
  9. Could you not procure it from https://www.heliohost.org/backup?
  10. Your account was on Tommy. Tommy's being rebuilt due to a recent crash. Hence it's formatted and all accounts in it are gone. Go to https://www.heliohost.org/backup and download your backup with your previous Tommy credentials. Now what you can do is wait for Tommy to come back and create an account again. Otherwise you can temporarily create an account on Ricky which can be moved to Tommy after he's back. If you're a donor is your transaction ID and you can receive an invite. Otherwise consider signing up at midnight UTC when the registrations open up.
  11. Your account was on Tommy. Tommy's being rebuilt due to a recent crash. Hence it's formatted and all accounts in it are gone. Go to https://www.heliohost.org/backup and download your backup with your previous Tommy credentials. Now what you can do is wait for Tommy to come back and create an account again. Otherwise you can temporarily create an account on Ricky which can be moved to Tommy after he's back. If you're a donor is your transaction ID and you can receive an invite. Otherwise consider signing up at midnight UTC when the registrations open up.
  12. Agreed it's not on the Tommy page, but it's still there here: https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ . Just a side note: A few days ago I think wolstech was saying something about losing access to the wallet it something like this. Not quite sure though. He's the one to confirm that.
  13. Glad to know that @allu62. Keep up this spirit!
  14. Apologies for the delay. This request was somehow missed. Anyways, good you bumped it, it'll now me looked into by an admin. Thanks for your patience!
  15. Your account wasn't suspended. You were on the Tommy server. Tommy's being rebuilt due to a recent crash. Hence it's formatted and all accounts in it are gone. Go to https://www.heliohost.org/backup and download your backup with your previous Tommy credentials. Now what you can do is wait for Tommy to come back and create an account again. Otherwise you can temporarily create an account on Ricky which can be moved to Tommy after he's back. If you're a donor is your transaction ID and you can receive an invite. Otherwise consider signing up at midnight UTC when the registrations open up.
  16. Come on snowm! It's the HelioHost monitor created by Piotr GRD.
  17. What's your cPanel username?
  18. You were verified.. But since your account had been previously moved to Tommy and you'd donated directly through PayPal also, that's why problem never arose.
  19. Ah! My auto-correct keyboard error. Fixed. Thanks flazepe!
  20. No I didn't lie. AutoSSL is disabled in Johnny. But I see wcats.tk had the cPanel DV. @admins: Any ideas on this?
  21. Glad to know. Hearty welcome!
  22. Nope.. It's working fine. Try from your mobile or some other PC.. It's working alright.
  23. No need to do anything. It's working now, ie, your site is live. Just a side note: You have to install SSL manually on Johnny. AutoSSL isn't available on Johnny and since your site has an https redirect, it's showing security warning.
  24. Same here as flazepe said, snowm. If clearing cache doesn't help, try flushing your DNS.
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