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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Just use .htaccess. Even I don't really have access to virtualhosts. Cpanel gets very angry at me when I mess with httpd.conf.
  2. Thanks a lot! I'm sure this post will help a lot of people.
  3. You have to select the database first otherwise it tells you "No database selected".
  4. To import a .sql file go to https://ricky.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/sql/PhpMyAdmin.html Select the database, and click import.
  5. You choose the Johnny server which is our experimental server. This means he can be rather unstable quite a lot of the time because of high load. When Johnny is experiencing high load adding a domain can sometimes break or fail halfway through. Our stable production servers, Tommy and Ricky, don't experience these kinds of problems.
  6. ...this one should be pretty self explanatory... The table settings doesn't exist: mysql> use exploit_database; Database changed mysql> show tables; Empty set (0.00 sec) Do you have a .sql file you meant to import perhaps?
  7. The postgresql user cthieme_admin should now be able to remotely access the postgresql database cthieme_tales from any IP.
  8. You didn't add permissions for that account on that database.
  9. Deployed. http://llou21.heliohost.org/roadangel/
  10. It looks like the load might be tapering off a bit. Try resetting your password now.
  11. Your account is located on Johnny which is our experimental server which means that it can experience high load quite frequently. Looking at the server monitor http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ you can see that Johnny has been having some pretty high load lately. Keep an eye on the image below because logging in might time out or fail if the load is above 10-15: Our stable servers, Ricky and Tommy, don't experience these high load spikes so uptime is a lot higher.
  12. I checked the change password log, and it looks like the failure reason was high load. Your account is located on Johnny which is our experimental server which means that it can experience high load quite frequently. Looking at the server monitor http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ you can see that Johnny has been having some pretty high load while you were trying to change your password. Keep an eye on the image below, and logging in or changing your password might time out or fail if the load is above 10-15: Our stable servers, Ricky and Tommy, don't experience these high load spikes so uptime is a lot higher.
  13. $myhost = "localhost"; $myuser = "exploit_user"; $mypass = "whateveryourpasswordis"; $mydb = "exploit_db"; You create your database at https://ricky.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/sql/index.htmlYou create your database user, and password on that same page. You add permissions for that user to your database on that same page too.
  14. Here's why you were blocked: # lfd: (cpanel) Failed cPanel login from x.x.x.x (AU/Australia/x-x-x-x.static.tpgi.com.au): 5 in the last 3600 secs - Fri May 26 04:57:52 2017 Make sure you're logging in with the right password. Sometimes people get the wrong password saved in their FTP client or something and it just keeps trying to log in with the wrong password over and over. Your block has been removed.
  15. Deployed. http://sh4.heliohost.org/TestWeb/
  16. You should now be able to remotely access the postgresql database rverah_captum with the postgresql user rverah_admin from any IP.
  17. I made some changes to the deploy script. Now if your filename already starts with your username and an underscore it doesn't append another username and underscore to the front. So if your file is blog.war then it becomes xitix_blog.war. If your file is xitix_blog.war it stays xitix_blog.war. That should solve a lot of your path/session issues I believe. Deployed. http://xitix.heliohost.org/xitix_blog/
  18. If you log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and then click the top cpanel button you will log in with https. If you click the bottom cpanel button labeled "insecure" it will log you in with http. The reason we provide insecure logins is because our secure logins are on port 2083 which a lot of companies and schools block random ports like that. If the secure login doesn't work for you then you still have an option to log in on port 80 with the bottom button.
  19. Upload your .war file to /home/jbbpatel/filename.war Then make a new post in http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/45-customer-service/ stating your username, server, and the name of the .war file. The instructions for having a .war file deployed is located at http://wiki.helionet.org/Java_Servlet#Upload_The_.war_File It looks like you picked the Johnny server which has a pretty long line to receive java. I have verified that you have correctly requested java on your Johnny account, and you can see your estimated install date at https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php Keep in mind that the java install wait on the Tommy server is only a few hours so if you want to get java access as quickly as possible it's definitely faster to switch to the less crowded server.
  20. It might have been an older version I was looking at. I just made a quick google search and that was the first number I saw, but looking at magento's own website on their latest version they do suggest setting the php memory to 2gb. Even if your server had 256gb of memory or whatever the ridiculous amount of time it would take to load and unload 2gb of memory data for each php process would be so slow. This magento thing is just too funny. I can't even take them seriously. I think the term "bloated" might be a ridiculous understatement in this case. On a less comical note, what exactly do you need magento for that cannot be done quicker and easier with literally any other piece of code? NSFW (I warned you...) I recommend anyone who is sick of Magento to read this http://alternativeto.net/software/magento/
  21. I'm positive no one has ever done most of what you're doing so if you can explain what you've done so far to make things work it would be beneficial to anyone who has the same issues in the future and finds this thread by searching.
  22. Deployed. http://xitix.heliohost.org/xitix_blog/
  23. Too bloated to run anywhere tbh. @huabao do you have a lot of plugins or something? The magneto website says 256 MB which is a lot more reasonable.
  24. Deployed. http://xitix.heliohost.org/xitix_blog/
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