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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Your storage space has been increased to 3000 MB. Thanks for the donation. I also wanted to make sure you know what is going on with your load. Based on the last day or so you're looking at about $4.33 per month if this same usage continues. Here are your currently running processes. dapperg+ 2078119 0.0 0.3 1112356 69900 ? Sl Feb28 0:00 npm run dev dapperg+ 2078422 0.0 0.5 18370708 111208 ? Sl Feb28 0:20 node /home/dappn.co/httpdocs/node_modules/.bin/vite dapperg+ 2078475 0.0 0.8 1505948 177388 ? Sl Feb28 0:47 /home/dappn.co/httpdocs/node_modules/@esbuild/linux-x64/bin/esbuild --service=0.25.0 --ping dapperg+ 2093104 0.0 0.3 1112100 70208 ? Sl Feb28 0:00 npm run dev dapperg+ 2093394 0.0 0.5 18366132 101800 ? Sl Feb28 0:01 node /home/dappn.co/httpdocs/node_modules/.bin/vite dapperg+ 2404952 0.0 0.3 1112096 70416 ? Sl Feb28 0:00 npm run serve dapperg+ 2405362 0.0 0.4 18363304 95116 ? Sl Feb28 0:00 node /home/dappn.co/httpdocs/node_modules/.bin/vite preview Let us know if this is what you intended.
  2. Your Morty account has been deleted. Before I deleted it I made a full backup that you can download from https://heliohost.org/backup/if you need it. Your $15 of credit has been moved to your VPS, and you'll get an email on June 22nd 2025 asking if you want to renew. The email will have a link to set up a subscription that will automatically bill every month from then on. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  3. I started a VPS building for you. You'll get an email with the IP addresses you can use to SSH in with after about 15 minutes. We'll leave the Morty account intact for now in case you decide to go back. Once we delete the Morty account we can transfer the $15 credit to the VPS and that will keep you paid for about 3.75 months.
  4. The memory looks fine, but your CPU is off the charts. Based on the last 25 minutes of your LocalAdmin process idling with zero users your monthly bill will be about $13.33. Adding any users to the server is likely going to make that even higher. I recommend getting a VPS. I'm pretty sure a Mercury will run this just fine for $4 per month, and we can transfer your Morty payment and your storage space increase towards your VPS if you want. Another advantage to a VPS is you will have root access to start and stop processes which means you won't have to use that server_control system either.
  5. Try connecting to UDP ocarina.helioh.st port 7777 with your game client.
  6. I was re-adding all the logging that you removed from my start/stop script. The logging is the most useful part of the whole thing and the only way you're going to know if it's working or not. Looks like it's running though.
  7. Since we provide free hosting we get a lot of criminals trying to abuse our free service. We suspend them as quickly as possible, but sometimes antivirus and malware scanners flag anything.helioho.st as malware because it's seen too many bad sites. We do have an affiliate program with Namecheap if you're interested in purchasing a domain. This domain is only $1.49 for the first year https://heliohost.org/partners/namecheap/ocarina.cfd You may need to disable your adblocker to use that link.
  8. Your storage space has been increased to 2000 MB. Thanks for the donation.
  9. What VPS number are you?
  10. You should be able to start and stop your process using something like this https://wiki.helionet.org/Discord_Bot#Starting_and_Stopping_Your_Bot
  11. The rebuild with Ubuntu 24 has been started and you should get an email in a bit when it finishes.
  12. There is no process listening on port 7777. Have you not started the process? Have you tried using .htaccess to proxy to port 7777? How do you plan to start and stop the process which isn't currently listening on port 7777? How much memory does your process use when it's running?
  13. A huge thank you goes out to the 66 generous donors who have helped us complete our latest fundraiser in record time. Based on previous fundraisers we expected it to take about 6 months to raise the $2500 to buy a new server, but we have already reached our goal in exactly 1 month. If you're a donor and haven't received your thank you gifts yet, please let us know so we can get that set up for you. Now that we have raised the funds that we asked for, we will use the money to buy a new server with 192 GB memory, 40 CPU cores, and 10.5 TB of hard drive space named Stevie. Since we're a small non-profit run by volunteers it will take at least a few months to get everything set up, but we'll make an announcement when we're ready for the Java beta testers to start helping out testing the new server. We're also really excited to be able to increase the amount of free hosting space that we have. Johnny continues to fill in less than a second at both noon and midnight most days even though we've increased the number of available free accounts granted each day by quite a bit. This fundraiser should be able to nearly double the amount of free hosting space that we have. We'll make more announcements as the hardware gets installed, and the new server gets set up. Keep an eye out for the latest HelioHost news.
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  14. Have you gotten your card fixed yet?
  15. If someone "seriously messed up" enough to send an extra 730 emails I would think that it would be beneficial for some of those extra emails to be blocked from being sent in the first place, but sure. Your limit has been increased to 1000 per day. This limit will follow you to Morty when you're ready. You can move yourself with https://heliohost.org/dashboard/move/
  16. No, they logged into SMTP. No, as far as I can see your account is empty, and has nothing installed. We never delete accounts unless people request it. If people abandon their account they go into archived state, and people can restore them back to being active whenever they want. No, it was logging into your SMTP yesterday and sending spam. That's why your account was suspended. You can't renew or unsuspend suspended accounts yourself. 2025-02-23 02:19:15 and 2023-11-08 11:54:43 SMTP login using the email account daniel@the-petrol-head.co.uk. How they got the password you would know better than us. Keylogger on your computer? Weak password? Reusing passwords that have been leaked from other websites?
  17. I don't understand why 356 users receiving 1 email 2 days each month would result in 1000 emails being sent on a single day.
  18. Someone from Alaska from the IP address has been logging into your account and sending spam emails to random addresses like richardgullage@bellsouth.net, cherch1@bk.ru, tomstokli@seznam.cz, lovee1835@naver.com, etc. This has already happened before on your account back in November 2023. When your account sends spam it makes the whole server get blacklisted and thousands of other people's emails will get sent to spam because of you. Why should we give you another chance?
  19. Installed. You can see the current list of installed modules for Johnny's Python 3.12 at https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.12.py
  20. I have linked your new subscription to your VPS and powered it back on. Thanks for renewing. In the future, if this happens again you will get 2 emails from PayPal, and 1 email from us about your payment not going through prior to being powered off. If you keep an eye on your email you can prevent some downtime.
  21. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 user=untouched8401_db_user dbname=untouched8401_travict_dev password=<set in Plesk>
  22. Is there anything we can help with? If you need help configuring some software, or getting your project running we can hep with that. If you messed everything up and want to start over we can do that for you for free too. In the meantime I have canceled your VPS as requested, and you won't be billed again. But we would much rather help you get it working rather than you giving up.
  23. DKIM, SPF, and DMARC have been set up for the domains vendocositos.helioho.st and vendocositos.heliohost.us. We recommend sending a test email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ to make sure that everything is set up correctly. If you get less than a 10/10 score please post a link to the full report so we can help you fix any other issues that there may be.
  24. Do you have a test file I can take a look at?
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