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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for reviving this topic!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, the security was pretty lax when JFK was assassinated........... Do you live in the U.S., xoerski?
  2. Well, over 70% of the people at KL ARE kids............
  3. hmmmmmmm..........there's a name for people who think that lower-paying people should be killed.....I can't think of the name right now......
  4. Impaled vertically...that...that is too cruel to imagine. I mean, his organs would split apart and...yuck... uh oh, double post. shorry.
  5. Lol, its true. Half the people in the U.S. are against the U.S.'s foreign policy......
  6. Hmph. You closed one of my posts that was related to HN and KL..............
  7. He won't touch myscrnnm?! He's already banned myscrnnm for 10 days............
  8. Hey, don't sadden neooracle! We want new members to stay!
  9. Not really. Right now, on KL, the admins have a revolution on their hands and I'm pretty sure one of them is going to be demoted soon.
  10. We had BETTER not be removed again. One more time, and HN falls. Btw, someone please post in the Politics section!!!!
  11. Ah, KL isn't that bad; in fact, it would be pretty good if...some members...didn't keep spamming on KL........ And I have some good news for y'all. Myscrnnm won't be coming back here EVER!
  12. what's wrong with saying "proxy"?
  13. Lol, I think your reputation preceeds you............
  14. Korps Commander

    Rate us!

    Hmmm........I don't think that I'm going to pay that much to get my name a little bit darker............
  15. Its gonna take months for HN to get back on its feet....... Why did clickherefree remove us?
  16. I notice YOU didn't even get a measly little vote, HerLoss...jk Btw, you might want to check myscrnnm latest posts on KL. I think he's trying to say that you are, well, non-straight...........
  17. No, that would spark a HUGE conflict between HN and Kl........... AND DON'T FINE ME, GAMEMASTER_268, you know this is true!!!
  18. 414 Hi, otinx! Glad you're here; we need all the new members we can get..........
  19. Have you drawn in any new members?
  20. Hey, who voted for me?
  21. Seriously, Gamemaster_268, there isn't much to miss. Helionet is dying slowly, as everyone can tell......... I mean, the activity in the Politics section has stopped to a dead standstill..........
  22. Man, I came back to Helionet a few days ago and it really IS dead........ Literally less than four members have been posting actively recently! You admins need to find some ways of drawing people into the site......
  23. Lol. If only he knew.....
  24. *Djbob gets angry and starts to cry* :cry:
  25. *Eats some cheez.* *"Woah, that's strong. Teh roxxers!"*
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