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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. Yes, its Lappy512, here to return in order to make his posts about how I should be banned for doing nothing. Well, they say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Here's your proof, people.
  2. 1) If you mothers are actually going to overstep your boundaries and ban me, then fine. But at least make it a permanent ban, so I can walk away with honor. 2) Ask the great Mynck himself. I'm not lying. And how is it that you can make such a statement as "Mynck forgot to log out, or Myscrnnm and Korps Commander used the Admin console while Mynck was away", huh? Were you there? Did you know? If not, then please refrain from making accusations like this in the future.
  3. Um, ok................ *KC's fully trained military smashed GM_268's pathetic militia in one quick blow. The battle was so one-sided it wasn't even funny.
  4. I don't get this. Is this a true story?
  5. In that case, why do we have mods at all?! Listen to me, admin, elect new ones before this site becomes stale.
  6. *KC's troops came back after 32 utopian days, and threw GM_268 into a pool of boiling banana cream* I still want to see myscrnnm's post on this topic!
  7. Excuse me? I have some things to clear up, also. 2) Mynck logged in on krazyletter JUST SO myscrnnm could tamper with his account. He did not "forget to log out", or "go away for a while". And some things to clear up about what you know. 1) I am not going to get banned, I am sure of that. Myscrnnm probably is going to get banned, though. 4) I'd hardly call it "illegal promotion", as Mynck made no move to stop myscrnnm from promoting himself.
  8. *KC orders ShadowNite to be flogged in public, then beheaded*
  9. Ignorant fool! Only in the end will you understand, or else I will shoot you down (and Gamemaster_268, too) with my Smith & Wesson handgun! Then I will go after the Mexicans!
  10. Do you not think that myscrnnm won't come back to plague HN, in another user's name? Mark my words, he will. And he'll probably torment Mynck to the point where Mynck unbans him.
  11. They didn't, but the admins are having a tribunal sometime soon. They're going to ban me, its obvious. Along with some other members (djbob, myscrnnm, etc)
  12. Oh. Well, I apologize, at any rate. Its just that getting banned from KL can be a little shocking, especially when your friends turn on you (I'm talking about me here)
  13. Hey! I'm getting beat up enough on KL at the moment! Do you have to make it worse here?! I told you, it wasn't my idea! Please stop flaming me for it! EDIT: Do you think I enjoyed banning you?! If I did, I wouldn't be here, spilling my guts, would I?
  14. Well, then people like ShadowNite and I! Gamemaster_268, do your duty and put in some new mods.
  15. Ok, I have a confession to make. Myscrnnm, Mynck, and I were at his house, and myscrnnm decided to fiddle with Mynck's account (with Mynck's permission). He forced me to think up of witty things to say. I am genuinely sorry, and prepared to accept any consequences resulting from this brash decision of helping myscrnnm out with this.
  16. Then maybe you should consider demoting 2/3 of the moderators, and installing new ones. Its the least you can do to compensate for the slowness of HelioPolitics.
  17. This is getting simply stupid. You promised us a government months ago, and frankly, djbob, I don't see any members here who believe you anymore. Either you install the legislature now, or you just admit to us that there is going to be no legislature.
  18. I have an idea. Perhaps you should add more moderators onto the moderating team, as the current moderating team is getting kinda stale. And, no offense, but some moderators, like etronicgaming, have not made posts for a while. so think about it, djbob.
  19. This is sickening. Nobody deserves a permanent ban, not even myscrnnm. I request that you reconsider this ban at once.
  20. Lol, the Mississippi River thing was funny........... No, I mean, I feel reeeeally sorry for you....
  21. Who was he talking about? Tell me! I demand to be shown this post that myscrnnm made! *KC roasts ShadowNite alive*
  22. It was Mynck. Didn't the e-mail say that? Because Mynck told me that he had gotten tired and banned you........... wow, people on KL must be pretty hateful to type a ban post like that................
  23. Excuse me? What is this? Why has myscrnnm's post been deleted? I wanted to read it! You have no right to censor posts on a STORY.
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