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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Really...? It should be up now... Try again.
  2. In that case, you didn't read the big red text. I'll copy it for you: You already have a HelioHost account, so the script auto-deleted your second one. It displayed a false success message to deter automatic account creation scripts from being sneaky.
  3. You can use up to three crons, each running one per day. If you have a lightweight cron script you might be able to run it once every hour. It all really depends on whether I see that your script causing a slowdown.
  4. These rules have been in place for a number of years. Let me rephrase my earlier question: did you signup through the forum store, or did you signup outside the forum store?
  5. There seem to be difficulties with the installation (system restart reset IP configuration info?). I'll let you know.
  6. Stevie is fine, he is just getting rackmount rails installed Sorry I forgot to notify everyone.
  7. Yeah, that's what I thought jjpriest25 was suggesting...
  8. Ashoat

    Server Move!

    That's weird. The system should have conserved file permissions, but I guess it screwed up. Thanks for the heads-up.
  9. And you looked like a spammer and indeed, you turned out to be one. Looks like my predictions are dead on. Use sentences in your post next time. And I won't delete your account - it takes too much effort, and it will be discarded in October anyways.
  10. Mods cannot penalize for every post in a forum game. That's too difficult. It's much easier to say yes or no to post/point incrementation. My only problem is that I'm not sure if the "Other Discussion" forum would have any more use.
  11. Did you read the big red text, or is this a "posting-based" account?
  12. Ashoat

    Server Move!

    HelioNet and HelioHost are currently still on the old server. There will be no effect to them when they are moved, however.
  13. AverageJoe: why do both? If you disallow forum games, that clears the way for intelligent discussion. Why not allow those discussions to accumulate points and posts?
  14. What I am saying is that "it is possible" means absolutely nothing. There are ten trillion "possible" ways of getting energy. What's so special about antimatter?
  15. Coincidentally, HelioHost's new server - Stevie - has a Q6600 CPU as well.
  16. People do indeed stick with a strict standard. That standard is IE 7's rendering engine (Hey, I never said it was a good standard...) And if you want to have a decent website, you'll be compatible with both.
  17. AverageJoe pointed out to me that there are a good amount of "forum game" and "spam"-type discussions going on in Other Discussion, so I have disabled the accumulation of posts and points in that forum. Only problem is, if there is a genuinely good discussion going on in "Other Discussion" then that discussion won't be getting points or posts. Which brings me to my question: Should we disallow forum games in Other Discussion so that real discussions get their due posts/points, or should be disable post/point accumulation in that forum? Let me know what you guys think. I really have no opinion on this subject, so I'll let the members dictate the rules on this one. PS: Yes, I know I am contacting myself. Couldn't think of a better location for this topic. PPS: AverageJoe: I would have replied to your PM, but IPB wouldn't let me for some reason.
  18. Ashoat

    Changes Coming

    Yup, I've considered that I've been purposely withholding information about HelioHost's improved offerings until Stevie is 100% up and running so that we can handle the rush of new users. Also, I'd like to have the new design in before I go ahead with that, and getting new moderators beforehand would be nice as well.
  19. Ashoat

    Server Move!

    The signup script should be back online and pointing to the new server ASAP. Turns out we had Python all along, apparently - it was compiled in CGI. You had to create a cgi-bin and declare the Python directory at the top with "#!/usr/bin/python". I am still looking into django, but I'll let you know.
  20. Ashoat

    Server Move!

    We're doing another server move, and this one looks like its final - at least for a while. HelioHost is relocated to our brand new server called Stevie (check the "Changes Coming" thread for more information), which is the first webserver we actually own. Owning your own hardware is a rarity for free hosts - in fact, I've never heard of another free host that owns it own hardware - so this should be an important step in ramping up HelioHost's offerings. What this means to you: We will be taking HelioHost's current server offline in about three months (October 14th). In order to avoid massive server outages during moves and to avoid moving accounts that aren't even being used, we are going to do account transfers incrementally over the next three months. In order to request that your account be transferred to the new server you must make a new topic in the "Server Move" forum under the "Customer Support" forum. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS OUTLINED AT THE TOP OF THE "Server Move" FORUM! All your settings, files, databases, etc. should be conserved in the server move, so no need to worry. This server will also speed up HelioHost, so your accounts will now run faster. In addition, the new server is compatible with the JSP scripting language. Look out for more changes as we continue to improve our free hosting service! Thanks, djbob
  21. Ashoat

    Changes Coming

    I have set up the DNS cluster. Signups and transfers for Stevie will begin soon. Hmm, I also need to purchase a Fantastico license for Stevie.
  22. I see your point. I'll try to put this feature in soon.
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