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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ashoat

    pre sign up

    Use http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/...ats/errlog.html to check errors. Looks like you are mistyping "wsgi" as "wgsi" somewhere. I have to go now, but I'll try to get your app working as soon as I get home.
  2. Ashoat

    pre sign up

    500 errors will only be generated if the dispatch.wsgi file is broken. I just did a few tests and I'm not getting any 500 errors. If you get any 500 errors, I would be happy to debug them for you. Why don't you do a quick test and see if it works for you? Use the tutorial explained on the new homepage.
  3. Ashoat

    pre sign up

    I'm going to have to disagree with you there. While it is very difficult to develop on the server without SSH access, actually running your application in a production environment is almost as easy (if not just as easy) as it would be with root access.
  4. Ashoat

    pre sign up

    Unfortunately, no. I can pretty much guarantee you that most web hosts won't offer you the level of functionality you want, let alone free web hosts. In order to develop Django using django-admin.py and to run it on a dedicated FastCGI process you need to have your own server. I suggest you either push your expectations down, or purchase a VPS server. VPS accounts are getting pretty cheap nowadays, so that might be a good alternative for you.
  5. Topic split... I always send out an email to accounts I suspend. Check your email and see what the cause for suspension was My guess is that you were running cron jobs too often.
  6. Let me clarify: I have no estimated time at the moment. This process is based off of the time to takes for our parent datacenter to give me an extra block of IPs, and as I have never requested an extra block before I don't know how long it will take. I'll let you know when the IPs are installed. If you want a really rough estimate, I'd guess that it would takes somewhere around a week? That guess is based off of absolutely nothing, so you really shouldn't rely on it.
  7. Ashoat

    pre sign up

    1) Sorry, no. I don't know of any free hosts that offer jailshell, let alone full SSH. It's a very dangerous feature to offer. We try to offer as much as possible here at HelioHost, but SSH is the one thing we currently can't 2) No, but we offer Python through FastCGI and WSGI. This really has no bearing on functionality versus mod_python, and in most scenarios tends to be more memory efficient and more secure. For more information on our Python installation, see its page on our new home page: http://heliohost.org/home/features-mainmen...tingmenu/python. 3) Yes, we have mod_fcgid installed. 4) Our new home page is in the works at http://www.heliohost.org/home/. You can check out our old home page for stuff like addon domains and FTP accounts. We offer unlimited addon domains and unlimited FTP accounts. 5) We offer every feature we can with our free hosting plan except increased bandwidth, increased space, and SSH. The first two can be remedied by requesting an Ads Unlimited plan, but you'll have to have ads on your website. The ads are customizable and I'm sure we could work something out. Note that you probably won't more than 250mb of diskspace unless you are running a video hosting site or something, and you won't need more than 2500mb of bandwidth unless you are running at least a medium-profile website (with at least a Google Pagerank of 3).
  8. OK, you're getting banned.
  9. You will need to have a .fla file in order to edit a Flash movie. .swf files won't suffice. Do you have a .fla file?
  10. You can go back up a directory with "../". So if you're executing www.mysite.com/index/index.php and you need to access www.mysite.com/comments/comments.txt, then your path would be "../comments/comments.txt". You can also just write an absolute path, like /home/yourheliohostusername/public_html/comments/comments.txt.
  11. In Linux, the root of the filesystem (sort of like C:\ in Windows) is "/". So when you write "/coments.txt", you are trying to access outside your location and you get a permission denied error. You need to set $location to "./comments.txt". Hope that helps
  12. You need to have a dedicated IP for this feature. We are pretty much the only free host that is able to offer this, but as we are currently out of dedicated IPs you're going to have to sit tight while I request another block of IPs. I'll let you know as soon as the extra IPs are installed.
  13. Yeah, you're going to either have to stop with the spam or get banned.
  14. What is "template monster.com"? We really don't know what you mean...
  15. OK, the issue should (finally) be resolved. Both cPanel's PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin seem to be working.
  16. OK, the issue should (finally) be resolved. Both cPanel's PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin seem to be working.
  17. You're welcome
  18. Ashoat


    OK, your account has been reenabled. Make sure to follow the restrictions specified on the cron page in cPanel.
  19. As I mentioned earlier: document.getElementById("id_of_your_dropdown").value.
  20. We no longer have multiple plans, nor do we have ads. The old homepage lies to you Our new plan is what is listed on the old homepage, except... 250mb HDD, 2500mb BW, ASP.NET, Perl, Python, Java, Ruby, no ads, no posting required. See the new homepage here: http://www.heliohost.org/home/ (a work in progress).
  21. I created it the day I upgraded the board. Which was... *checks* nine days ago.
  22. Ashoat

    Mail piping

    The bouncing emails are automatically replied to the sender. I suggest you add a bogus reply-to header. I recompiled Apache/PHP yesterday - that's probably what did it.
  23. Sure I just fiddled around some more and it seems that the MySQL Connector/NET driver is recommended over the MySQL Connector/ODBC driver. I went ahead and installed the Connector/NET driver as well, and after dealing with the expected bugs I have it working with ProviderName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" and the following connection string: Server=localhost;Database=your_mysql_database;User=your_mysql_user;Password=your_mysql_password; If you're not particularly set on ODBC, you might want to try that. Otherwise, both seem to work 100% so there probably isn't much of a difference outside of performance. See here for more information.
  24. If you don't know what to do from here, I suggest you learn HTML. Then you can make an HTML page and upload it to your site using FTP. If you know CSS, you can make it prettier. If you know Javascript, you can make it interactive. And if you know PHP/ASP.NET (C#/VB)/Ruby/Python/Perl/Java you can make it dynamic and take input from forms and stuff. You broke the Etiquette Guide by typing in all caps (apparently the giant bold text above isn't visible enough for you?) And apparently bold, red text telling you this forum is NOT for HelioHost support did not catch your attention either. Please follow our rules. Moving to correct forum...
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