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  1. Today
  2. Your free web hosting seem to be fast now since switching to plesk, so I just wonder if you offer any shared Linux web hosting service for say domain eg .com, .top. If so what are the charges for storage of 3 G, can it be priced in local currency, not USD
  3. I want to use space to build a map bed website, so lead to abnormal traffic, if you can't build a map bed website, I will delete relevant data and rebuild other websites.
  4. I want to replicate the exact UI that WhatsApp has for its status screen to show the count of statuses along with active and inactive contexts. See the image for reference:
  5. Yes, as I cannot start a session within WebSocket because it will replace the previous session whenever a new client is authenticated.
  6. Bro where & how to limit the log file, do I use logrotate() in plesk
  7. Yesterday
  8. You were suspended for having more than one account. Which one would you like to keep?
  9. Woldtech, Thanks again https://helionet.org/index/forum/75-escalated-requests/
  10. We can unsuspend both, but you'll need to prove there's actually 2 people, and you'd need to agree to never log into your cousin's account again (your cousin would need to manage that himself from his own computer). If you're going to manage both websites, it would be better if we merge the accounts and move the domains from his account into your account. You can host more than one site on a single account, and you can even add a second plesk username if you want him to be able to log into it as well. The only consideration here would be that sometimes the sites don't fit, in which case you'd need to purchase more disk space. Please let us know how you want to proceed.
  11. Last week
  12. Merged since one is duplicate and they're both the same user anyway. Please answer the question about which account you want to keep. You're only allowed to have exactly one account. Again, which ONE account do you want to keep? If you continue to post new topics about this issue and not answer the question, you will not be unsuspended, and depending on your behavior may be subject to a permanent ban for harassing staff/misuse of the forum instead.
  13. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=diceninjagaming_service dbname=diceninjagaming_nopcommerce password=<set in Plesk>
  14. Brilliant, mail-tester.com now reports 10/10. Many thanks for the speedy turnaround.
  15. WSGI control access has been enabled on the domain bluelephant.xyz. To restart your Flask app and load new code changes in simply edit /home/bluelephant.xyz/httpdocs/flasktest/flask.wsgi or /home/bluelephant.xyz/httpdocs/chattypub/flask.wsgi. Adding a blank line, removing a blank line, adding a space, or removing a space are examples of editing the file. As long as the last modified timestamp changes it will clear the server cache. Let us know if you run into any issues.
  16. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes for the account to start working.
  17. Changed and added. Please be sure to configure DNS so the domains work, otherwise they'll be disabled automatically. The changes can take up to 2 hours to take effect.
  18. Your subscription has been canceled and you won't be billed again. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  19. This usually happens because your IP address keeps changing. The most common reason is using a cell phone to access Plesk. Try using a different internet connection or a VPN and see if it behaves properly
  20. You were suspended for high server load (10195 CPU). Please keep your CPU usage under 10000. You can check your load here. I'll unsuspend your account, it may take a few minutes to start working again.
  21. Earlier
  22. Thanks for the donation. Glad you got everything working again.
  23. I've seen the CF proxy do this because of the lack of an SSL certificate on on your domain on our server. CF can break Plesk's ability to issue SSL certificates automatically. CF by default wants there to be a valid SSL certificate on the server, which you won't have if the domain starts out with the CF proxy enabled. It then can't get one, and as such it never works. I've seen people say that turning off the Strict SSL security option on CF can fix this (Flexible SSL is a disaster from a security standpoint, but it does allow CF to pass traffic when the origin has an invalid or no certificate), or you can turn off the proxy, manually issue the cert in Plesk, turn it back on, and wait 2 hours for the cert to finish installing. Once a good certificate is installed and live on our end, it works.
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