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  1. Today
  2. Thanks, it works now, the die() statement was temporary debug so I will remove it.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Kind of. We didn't have as many users on the servers (especially Tommy) at the time, and I believe we also had a user recently who asked for some astronomical number of domains. Since every domain added slows the server down, it's not fair for a few users with a ton of domains to impact everyone else, so we added a limit. The same performance impact associated with domains is also why domains that are added but not actually hosted here now disable themselves after a while. Disabled domains have no performance impact.
  5. Just for future reference, I work on support requests by oldest response to newest response. So if you bump your thread it moves it to the bottom of my todo list.
  6. I guess I'll copy/paste the same answer that websys didn't read twice already on Discord here too.
  7. Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=itechpros_sb dbname=itechpros_accuzip password=<set in Plesk>
  8. It's because your username has more than 8 characters and the ps command was truncating it to softspi+ I edited your bot_control script for you to handle longer usernames, and I'll add the changes to the wiki as well. Thanks for letting us know.
  9. do Krydos see this topic when his name is tagged? should i try to send message personally?
  10. I tested the domain disabling system with your three subdomains, and the way everything is configured right now they won't get disabled again.
  11. Ok, it’s fine with me to go for mails.zhirofund.com. Appreciate that!
  12. and i just asking how do i set up my email in gmail because its giving me error. I already used ssl on the pop3.
  13. root@tommy2 [/home/xiaotusoushu.helioho.st]# du -hs 1002M . It's full. Either you need to delete something, or if you can't, please tell me what to delete so I can do so for you. I recalculated the space in Plesk as well, so it should now also show full (Plesk doesn't recalculate in real time, so there's a delay between uploading and the statistics reflecting what's in your account).
  14. Last week
  15. This issue was on our end (the IPv6 was not assigned to your domain for some reason). I've fixed the missing assignment and the account should work correctly within 2 hours. Please recreate the IPv6 record since you deleted it.
  16. Maximum any user can have on the shared hosting is 6GB. If you move to another server, you would have to actually move the account, not create a second one. You would just have 6GB on the new server. Creating additional accounts will get all of your accounts suspended for having multiple accounts. Users are only allowed to have one account, so it's not possible to have an account on both servers. Users needing more than 6GB space have to buy a VPS.
  17. Please don't spam multiple topics for one issue. Someone will help when they can.
  18. Domain changed. It can take up to 2 hours to work.
  19. Domain changed. Please make sure you create A and AAAA records for the subdomain that are pointed to the IPs shown in plesk. The domain can take up to 2 hours to work.
  20. Edit: I've found the code on the wayback machine but it seems to need libraries that are no longer importable Edit 2: The code should now be killable from within so just killing the 2 running processes should be fine, that being said going to softspider.heliohost.us/bot_control/index.sh?action=stop still does nothing; suggestion: please add an emergency kill all button Going to index.sh?action=stop seems to do nothing other than write "Stopping new.py.". Is there an archive of the previous version of this(https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/discord-bot) guide written in python so I can understand what the stop script is even doing + possibly fix it?
  21. That account cannot be unsuspended because you already asked for the other one back. https://helionet.org/index/topic/60272-solved-request-to-unsuspend-account-for-server-johnny/ Users are only allowed to have ONE account.
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