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I try to setup a node server. When i launch it, i can't access to the address with the port i choosed.
It seems that the port 3000 is always used by a process and i always have 2 processes node displayed even if i kill-all the processes.
Is it normal?
Is my used port accessible through external address cause when i watch for ports with nmap there is only 443 and 80 availables?


Posted (edited)


Passenger seems to get pb to launch the server. I can start it with a node command but passenger return error "Implementation.cpp:221: Could not spawn process for application latekantiquebe.helioho.st: The application process exited prematurely.
Error ID: 7d3542ab
Error details saved to: /tmp/passenger-error-rtbpKl.html.
I have no access to this log to know what happens.
Is it possible to get these informations?


Edited by Semaphorea35
Posted (edited)

At 10h12, i get the same error but with more explanations and a reference to an other account which could be jonahm's one.
I apologize for the long text pasted :

App 2664263 output: /home/jonahm.com/public_html/ckkpublic/index.html:1
App 2664263 output: <!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en charset=utf-8><head><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge"><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><title>Community KnowledgeKeeper</title><link rel=icon type=image/png sizes=32x32 href=./icons/favicon-32x32.png><link rel=icon type=image/png sizes=16x16 href=./icons/favicon-16x16.png><link rel=stylesheet href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:100,300,400,500,700,900"><link rel=stylesheet href=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@mdi/font@latest/css/materialdesignicons.min.css><link rel=stylesheet href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons"><link href=/css/chunk-0899c666.ee6d89c6.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-1d2f2c3b.01fd5066.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-2047668a.6c5447be.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-2d1060e8.9daf6424.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-44799d4f.02d743b0.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-4c480df6.c7315fda.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-4f03339c.c7315fda.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-671f17cd.b6b92317.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-6f10f2eb.ee6d89c6.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-71539986.27c1dc8f.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-75155b7a.31580c60.css rel=prefetch><link href=/css/chunk-aa3a6a42.39fe259f.css rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-0899c666.ab876ab9.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-1d2f2c3b.d1d15136.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2047668a.fca3a44f.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d0aaeeb.70b534b0.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d0c4aa4.0e2e67a6.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d0c8682.921e7a7a.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d0d66f4.c4dde353.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d0e6846.73f5f7c8.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d0e8f97.ab49c922.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d1060e8.9cfef5e5.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d21ef17.e51092be.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d225ff2.6073db33.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-2d22d79a.e2092e06.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-44799d4f.c2d61cfd.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-4c480df6.0d20f11c.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-4d4b5ab0.9eb694a5.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-4f03339c.4f7751db.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-5c05b568.972bd9a7.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-5f128704.59342aa4.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-671f17cd.1b1bf76f.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-6f10f2eb.cb7bcc0d.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-71539986.33ab9378.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-75155b7a.0637936d.js rel=prefetch><link href=/js/chunk-aa3a6a42.eb4ff203.js rel=prefetch><link href=/css/app.9b5579a7.css rel=preload as=style><link href=/css/chunk-vendors.b5b1669e.css rel=preload as=style><link href=/js/app.d88e0d84.js rel=preload as=script><link href=/js/chunk-vendors.e4349eb6.js rel=preload as=script><link href=/css/chunk-vendors.b5b1669e.css rel=stylesheet><link href=/css/app.9b5579a7.css rel=stylesheet></head><body><noscript><strong>We're sorry but nopwa doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong></noscript><div id=app></div><script src=/js/chunk-vendors.e4349eb6.js></script><script src=/js/app.d88e0d84.js></script></body></html>
App 2664263 output: ^
App 2664263 output:
App 2664263 output: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
App 2664263 output: at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1515:18)

App 2664263 output: at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1537:20)
App 2664263 output: at Object..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1708:10)
App 2664263 output: at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1318:32)
App 2664263 output: at Function._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1128:12)
App 2664263 output: at TracingChannel.traceSync (node:diagnostics_channel:322:14)
App 2664263 output: at wrapModuleLoad (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:219:24)
App 2664263 output: at Module.<anonymous> (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1340:12)
App 2664263 output: at Module.require (/usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/node-loader.js:80:25)
App 2664263 output: at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:138:16)
App 2664263 output:
App 2664263 output: Node.js v22.12.0

Yesterday i got the same error but with a lacking module :
It seems that it refers again to an other account   pot.heliohost.us refer to a new page but is not mine.

2024-12-16 18:03:34
Error ID: 3cab38c8
Error details saved to: /tmp/passenger-error-g0Xcum.html

App 3485899 output: node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1252
App 3485899 output: throw err;
App 3485899 output: ^
App 3485899 output:
App 3485899 output: Error: Cannot find module '/home/pot.heliohost.us/app.js'
App 3485899 output: Require stack:

Edited by Semaphorea35
Posted (edited)

this morning, I always get the same pb.
I setup an express server as it is notified in the documentation to see if a bared installation could work.
8h14 passenger must try to start it but it stops prematurely.
10h08 The application process exited prematurely.
            Error ID: ef8055f5
            Error details saved to: /tmp/passenger-error-Px2cT1.html

            App 2274143 output: Server is listening on port 3000
            App 2274139 output: App started on PORT: 3001

       The server is set on port 3001, the output of passenger tell us it is listenning on 3000.
        Is it possible to get access to /tmp/passenger-error-Px2cT1.html to see what induce the issue?

Thank you for your advices

Edited by Semaphorea35

Root admins are the only ones with access to the /tmp/ folder, but until one of them has a chance to check for you, something you could try is to set the Passenger environment to 'Development' using the steps on this page. It will offer more detailed error messages from Passenger that might shed more light on what is happening. 

  On 12/23/2024 at 9:10 AM, Semaphorea35 said:

I setup an express server as it is notified in the documentation to see if a bared installation could work.


Is this the guide you followed? https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js/express.js#about-express.js

  On 12/23/2024 at 9:10 AM, Semaphorea35 said:

I always get the same pb.


Yeah, I always get the same peanut butter too.

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