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  • 11 months later...

Just want to give my thank's for the peoples help as to the moderators and administrators. Thank's for having updated my little web search box engine, by making possible to select options write text and search. In the past it was only possible to do a search by clicking on the search button, but now it is possible also by writing some text and hitting the Enter key on the keyboard; thank's. Dont know if there are other things you have done, even so thank's for your good help.


Also thank's for making a page that when i forgot to enter the cpanel once a while, my friends and relative can re-activate my account by simply clicking on the re-activate button and entering my first name "sylvain". So some friends of mine as others can look my website. Some friends have told me that i must check my cpanel more offen indicating to keep my personnal website active. Sorry for that because of my ways of life.


I like the feature in the cpanel "themes", but i have a suggestion to personnalize more the "theme choosed". The user could simply choose a theme, the "theme look" it stays the same; but the users could simply put some image as "jpg, gif (animated/none animated), bmp or maybe a swf (flash animated file) that simply replace the top image. Image that would be under the buttons as "home, logoff, etc" also under the logo as cpanel, etc. Just a simple image that the user can choose from it's computer. I dont know if it is possible and dont know how to do it. I wonder if it is a good idea and possible?


Also as always it is important to give my thank's to all of you for your good help. Since the festive winter season come, i'd like to say also to peoples merry christmas (for some merry x-mas) and that i hope to all that you'll have a nice 2016 year; as other great years to come. I know that for some of your self, it's not important that i give my thank's to you; but for me it's important and to let your self know that i appreciate your self very much. Thank's again to all your good help for my personnal free website.





  • 2 months later...

Since this seems to be an appropriate topic to ask about websites, I would definitely like to know your opinion on this. Because honestly I'm just lost.

Has anyone ever used site builders for WordPress based websites creation?

I haven't and I daresay, I see no point in using them since there's so much stuff one can do with html5 and css3 nowadays.

But this involves my field of work, so I just have to ask. I have this client who insists on using a site building tool for WordPress which I don't approve of, but...

What do you think of using site builders as tools for clients who know little knowledge of coding yet want to operate their websites by themselves?


WordPress (and especially its extensions and themes) is full of security holes and best avoided anyway. It's responsible for the large majority of our hacked sites/spam/malware suspensions as it is extremely easy to accidentally install malware or have it get hacked due to how its designed. It has a reputation for being insecure. Joomla is a little bit better and has more capability before needing extensions, but it too can be a security issue if not kept updated.


If you want a proper website nowadays, site builders are essentially useless for anything beyond the basics. I've been known to use a site builder for a basic site, then save the HTML and add in the modern stuff, but it's more trouble than it's worth. If you want it done right, I would get a plain HTML5/CSS3 template to work off of, or start from scratch.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Topic Pinned. Feel free to post as much as you want


about your site, but refrain from just posting the URL. In the first post we should create a list of Heliohost site URL's, but nothing else about the site.


So the site is still empty,

I can not keep up!


I have looked at many of the pages link here, to see if i could add link to my personnal website; but there is many sites that dont work. Me my site is: http://sylvain.heliohost.org

  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

[bold]Updated:[/bold] Here is my site: MerajBD.Com. I am Working hard on it. Working on it as hobby. Manually coded and material designed. Also coded on a phone. Basically It's a blog site. Hope you like it :).

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