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I hope I posted this in the correct forum.


I finally got into the forums. I had some trouble at first because the system said my forum login would be the same as the Cpanel. My Cpanel password is strong with upper, lower, numbers, and special characters. When I tried to login to the forum, it said my password was invalid. After resetting my password, I tried to change it again to the same one as the Cpanel, and after logging out, it said it was invalid. So my question is, What is the password character requirements for the forum login? After resetting my password twice, I noticed it only contains lowercase letters and numbers. Is that all the forum password can contain?




Also does changing your profile picture make logging into Cpanel for the next few minutes unreliable? Because I kept getting a bunch of invalid login and 500 Internal Error issues after doing that.


Best Regards,



If I remember right, the forum passwords cannot contain spaces or certain symbols (most notably quotes and slashes). Since you mentioned special characters, that is probably why this happened.


Caps, lowercase, and numbers are definitely supported since mine has those and works...

  On 10/10/2020 at 4:27 PM, trenten said:

Also does changing your profile picture make logging into Cpanel for the next few minutes unreliable? Because I kept getting a bunch of invalid login and 500 Internal Error issues after doing that.

No, it shouldn't have any effect. You're on Johnny though which is our experimental server. That means he experiences lots of instability and high load spikes. Johnny just probably happened to be having high load around the same time that you set your picture which can cause invalid login messages and 500 errors.

Thanks for the reply.


My forum password only had &!+ for special characters. Would any of those specifically not work? I might try changing the password again and try with each character to see what works.


Also, I plan on donating to get on the Tommy server. Actually, I wanted to donate to get on Tommy and donate $25 for all the upgrades. From what I was able to find, I think I have to first donate to move to Tommy and then donate for the upgrades. Or can I just do a $25 donation and get both at once?


I planned on making a different thread for this if that's alright, but did you know that Facebook messenger bans any links from heliohost.org?

  On 10/12/2020 at 1:37 PM, trenten said:

My forum password only had &!+ for special characters. Would any of those specifically not work? I might try changing the password again and try with each character to see what works.

I've considered doing the same thing. There doesn't seem to be any documentation anywhere for what would work and what isn't allowed.


  On 10/12/2020 at 1:37 PM, trenten said:

Also, I plan on donating to get on the Tommy server. Actually, I wanted to donate to get on Tommy and donate $25 for all the upgrades. From what I was able to find, I think I have to first donate to move to Tommy and then donate for the upgrades. Or can I just do a $25 donation and get both at once? I planned on making a different thread for this if that's alright,

$25 would cover max storage, and a transfer to Tommy and 5 months of inactivity immunity.


  On 10/12/2020 at 1:37 PM, trenten said:

but did you know that Facebook messenger bans any links from heliohost.org?

Yes, we're aware. As a free hosting provider we get a lot of abuse. Phishing and spam and whatnot try to use our service all the time since we don't require a credit card. Criminals don't want to pay and have their personal information known obviously. We suspend the abuse reports we get as quick as we can, but something along those lines seems to have upset Facebook. Since Facebook basically doesn't have any customer support (unless you pay a lot on advertising) there isn't a lot we can do. Each person that tries to post heliohost.org on Facebook and reports it as a false positive might help. If we get enough reports like that they may remove the ban. We've got some plans to help prevent it from happening again in the future if they ever unban us.
  On 10/12/2020 at 3:50 PM, Krydos said:
 $25 would cover max storage, and a transfer to Tommy and 5 months of inactivity immunity.


Thanks, and lastly, will I use the Tommy Donation link https://www.heliohost.org/tommy/ or the regular one?


Also I'll post back here when I get around to testing the password requirements.


You can really use any of the methods since you already have an account. Upgrades and moves are a manual process that requires a support post and admin assistance, so it doesn't matter which one you use.


The only thing that the Tommy link does differently is that it automatically sends an invite if you don't already have an account associated with the email on your paypal account. If you already have such an account, it won't send anything and is effectively identical to the other donation methods.


Our current fundraiser can be found here.

  On 10/12/2020 at 8:41 PM, wolstech said:

You can really use any of the methods since you already have an account. Upgrades and moves are a manual process that requires a support post and admin assistance, so it doesn't matter which one you use.


The only thing that the Tommy link does differently is that it automatically sends an invite if you don't already have an account associated with the email on your paypal account. If you already have such an account, it won't send anything and is effectively identical to the other donation methods.


Our current fundraiser can be found here.

That's actually rather helpful. If I use my PayPal, it uses my yahoo email which I have an old account on here from 2017. My old username is trentenm. That account was just used to host a remote MySQL database. This account is using my Gmail address. Is there any way you could just delete my trentenm account. I've tried to reactivate it a few times, but was never able to log in and now I have this account. I'll probably do the donation today and post a move request later.


I see records of that trentenm account being created on 2017-10-07 in the creation log, but the account itself is no longer in the system. It must have deleted at some point.

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I just tested the password requirements for the forum login with my old account, and I can confirm pretty much EVERYTHING works.


Here are the specifications for what worked:


Character Requirements:
& = works
! = works
+ = works
@ = works
# = works
$ = works
% = works
^ = works
* = works
( = works
) = works
- = works
_ = works
= = works
[ = works
] = works
{ = works
} = works
< = works
> = works
, = works
. = works
? = works
: = works
; = works
' = works
" = works
/ = works
\ = works
| = works
` = works
~ = works

Length Requirements:
Works with 1 - 600+ characters (with mixed special characters)


So the only reason I can think of why it didn't work when it first set up the forum account is there might be some issue with migrating the password with special characters from cPanel to the forum accounts.

It could possibly be dropping special characters or replacing them or quoting the whole password string.

I don't know, but either way, once you reset the forum password, there are really no restrictions at all.


Good to know. Yeah, cpanel has a lot more restrictions on passwords. I think they even had a 16 character limit on how long passwords could be at one point. I think they fixed that though.

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