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[Solved] Root Mysql Account Lost Permissions


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Try downloading your back up database and see if it has all your tables in it and then delete your MySQL database and user and recreate them and then import backup data. But please make sure you have all your MySQL data in the backup before deleting. Try create another MySQL user and database and import it to see if it has all your data.

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He can't do that because he can't access anything. The user that's broken for him is not a DB user you can create in cPanel, it's the default database user that has the same username/password as your cPanel account.


This is something an admin needs to fix.

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I tested your account and you have permission and show tables command works both in phpmyadmin and in a command line connection. I saw two databases. The one had four tables if I recall correctly, and the other had none. In order to test this as the mysql user pete20r2 I had to change your cPanel account password. Let us know if you're having trouble resetting your password and getting logged back into your account. I also tested your databases using the root mysql account and there was no additional tables or data that wasn't available to your pete20r2 mysql account. I'm going to mark this as solved, but if I am misunderstanding the issue or if you have any other issues please let us know and we can work get everything functional for you.

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